Telegram Bot @AdClickersBot Reviews: SCAM or LEGIT?


Dec 3, 2020
Wallet transfer within seconds and by external surveys nearly unlimited tasks possible. The payout limit is reached within a few minutes.

BTC & ETH Telegram Bot AdClickersBot


Facts about AdClickersBot
Register Link:
Type of offer: Telegram Bot (PTC & Offerwall)
Cryptocurrency: BTC / LTC / ETH / BCH – in bot currency USD
Revenue claim: non-stop
Payout types: Coinbase Wallet email address
Minimum payout: more than 0,02 USD
fees: no
eraning / week: unlimited by Offerwall
fun factor: ok

personal rating: 5,5/6 stars


- very fast payout
- 4 important crypto currencies
- many new tasks
- payout limit reached within a few minutes

- Offerwall offers are often annoying

Task types at AdClickersBot
Roughly speaking, there are four different types of tasks: these are probably self-explanatory.
join Channels Join Telegram groups or channels for a period of time.
Message Bots start other bots and forward the “Welcome Message” to AdClickersBot.
Visit Sites very simple, only visit a website for a short time.
There are quite low credits for these three types of tasks, although they are also higher like many other bots.
The next part will be the interesting thing - the “Survey Task” area, where survey is actually the wrong name, it's more like a “Offerwall” with a lot of different tasks. There are eight different "survey" providers available at the time of the test (the picture shows the first four). Everyone has their own agenda- and disadvantages, check which provider you like best, of course you are able to use them all.
The tasks in this area are more extensive and are also very highly credited.


Payouts of earned coins

In the bot itself, the currency USD is collected, so a payout in four different crypto currencies is possible (BTC – Bitcoin // ETH – Ethereum // LTC – Litecoin // BCH – Bitcoin Cash)


A payout is only available through your Coinbase email address, the transfer works within a few seconds.

You don't have a Coinbase account yet, register using this link: if you invest within 180 Days more than 100$ for trading you will get a 10 USD reward to your Coinbase balance.


Offerwall explanation and function at AdClickersBot
A “Offerwall” or “Offer Wall” In this case, various external providers with tasks such as surveys, click through long advertising pages, Install Aps and take part in competitions or register on websites.
With the AdClickersBot there are currently eight different offer walls or in this bot it's called “Survey” .. Survey, is not quite right, as the tasks described above are also available. In principle a good concept, because the rewards are also very high. However, caution is advised with these offers.
hints and safer use for Offerwalls: That are external providers and most of the time the crediting of the earned coins works without problems, however, it's possible that coins are not credited to your account. The tasks are simple though, but also solving a puzzle or similar tasks can take more time than expected. Every “Offer Wall” has its own rules and sometimes the task is made difficult or complicated.
It is also advisable to use a “Trash eMail” address for the competitions, but beware that this will be checked for “a useful address” ..

My experience with AdClickersBot
I hit the withdrawal limit in about five minutes, through offer wall or survey offers, those are high credited and so the payout limit is reached very fast. I personally don't like such offers, But that is a matter of taste. With offer walls in gerneral, it seems to me that the operators put in extra stumbling blocks, so that no credit needs to be given.
Back to the bot, first class payout, unfortunately only on the Coinbase wallet, but without any fees and extremely fast.

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