ALL eligible accounts will be receiving 100 AIC tokens absolutely free. ($35 USD worth of AIC)
hoặc và hoàn thành bước 1 to 7.
For step no 1 you need to upload selfie photo along with your id card and sticky note of today's date. ( chụp selfie tay cầm tờ giấy ghi ngày hiện tại kèm mặt trước cmnd hoặc hộ chiếu)
Step no. 6 is background process and wait for next 5 hours to get completed. ( mục 5 và 6 mất chút time để xác minh )
To know how to add AITHEON ICO at the end your last name - fire /lastname command in telegram group ( thêm chữ AITHEON ICO vào cuối tên trên telegram)
To know how to add personal and private Ether wallet address - fire /wallet command
There is no fix date on when Airdrop will close but better you register quickly so that you will not miss free tokens.
Everyone need to complete step 1 to 7 to receive Airdrop tokens even though if you have participated in presale or crowdsale.
Airdrop tokens will be distributed to all eligible and verified users once ICO ends i.e. after 5th June Token sale is still live and you can purchase more tokens to full your bags.
Thanks for joining future
ALL eligible accounts will be receiving 100 AIC tokens absolutely free. ($35 USD worth of AIC)
hoặc và hoàn thành bước 1 to 7.
For step no 1 you need to upload selfie photo along with your id card and sticky note of today's date. ( chụp selfie tay cầm tờ giấy ghi ngày hiện tại kèm mặt trước cmnd hoặc hộ chiếu)
Step no. 6 is background process and wait for next 5 hours to get completed. ( mục 5 và 6 mất chút time để xác minh )
To know how to add AITHEON ICO at the end your last name - fire /lastname command in telegram group ( thêm chữ AITHEON ICO vào cuối tên trên telegram)
To know how to add personal and private Ether wallet address - fire /wallet command
There is no fix date on when Airdrop will close but better you register quickly so that you will not miss free tokens.
Everyone need to complete step 1 to 7 to receive Airdrop tokens even though if you have participated in presale or crowdsale.
Airdrop tokens will be distributed to all eligible and verified users once ICO ends i.e. after 5th June Token sale is still live and you can purchase more tokens to full your bags.
Thanks for joining future