hôm qua có 1 thằng nó gửi 0.4$ , hình như nó chơi đểu, hix, sáng nay thì nhận đc 1 thông báo qua Gmail
Bạn nào biết về cái này giúp mình,
To protect you from problematic transactions, we sometimes request
additional information about PayPal payments.
We need more information about this transaction. Please log in to your
PayPal account, click the "Resolution Center"tab, and provide more
information by 8/9/2011.
We recommend that you not ship the item until our investigation is
complete. If you've already shipped the item, please log in and let us know
where you shipped it.
We have placed a temporary hold on the funds until we complete our
If you need to provide information by fax, click and print a cover sheet:
Please fax proof of shipment or proof of refund to +*******
Transaction Details
Senders name: dong nguyen
Senders email: [email][email protected][/email]
Transaction ID: 4LP796906P650331T
Transaction date: Aug 2, 2011
Transaction amount: $0.40 USD
Your transaction ID: ***************
Case number: PP-001-396-962-***
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
Bạn nào biết về cái này giúp mình,