<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php $options = get_option('inove_options'); ?>
<?php if (have_posts()) : the_post(); update_post_caches($posts); ?>
<div id="postpath">
<a title="<?php _e('Go to homepage', 'inove'); ?>" href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>/"><?php _e('Home', 'inove'); ?></a>
> <?php the_category(', '); ?>
> <?php the_title(); ?>
<div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<div class="info">
<span class="date"><?php the_time(__('F jS, Y', 'inove')) ?></span>
<?php if ($options['author']) : ?><span class="author"><?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></span><?php endif; ?>
<?php edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'inove'), '<span class="editpost">', '</span>'); ?>
<?php if ($comments || comments_open()) : ?>
<span class="addcomment"><a href="#respond"><?php _e('Leave a comment', 'inove'); ?></a></span>
<span class="comments"><a href="#comments"><?php _e('Go to comments', 'inove'); ?></a></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="fixed"></div>
<div class="content">
<?php the_content(); ?>
Chỗ mình chèn code (Theo hướng dẫn của WgTools)
<div class="fixed"></div>
<div class="under">
<?php if ($options['categories']) : ?><span class="categories"><?php _e('Categories: ', 'inove'); ?></span><span><?php the_category(', '); ?></span><?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($options['tags']) : ?><span class="tags"><?php _e('Tags: ', 'inove'); ?></span><span><?php the_tags('', ', ', ''); ?></span><?php endif; ?>
<br /><br />
<!-- related posts START -->
// when related posts with title
if(function_exists('wp23_related_posts')) {
echo '<div id="related_posts">';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="fixed"></div>';
// when related posts without title
if(function_exists('wp23_related_posts')) {
echo '<div class="boxcaption">';
echo '<h3>Related Posts</h3>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="related_posts" class="box">';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="fixed"></div>';
<!-- related posts END -->
<br />
<?php include('templates/comments.php'); ?>
<div id="postnavi">
<span class="prev"><?php next_post_link('%link') ?></span>
<span class="next"><?php previous_post_link('%link') ?></span>
<div class="fixed"></div>
<?php else : ?>
<div class="errorbox">
<?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'inove'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
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