Hôm nay nhận đc cái mail như thế này.
We need your help resolving an issue with your account. To give us time to
work together on this, we've temporarily limited what you can do with your
account until the issue is resolved.
We understand it may be frustrating not to have full access to your PayPal
account. We want to work with you to get your account back to normal as
quickly as possible.
What's the problem?
We need a bit more information about some money you recently received or
Case ID Number: PP-001-331-901-938
How you can help
It's usually pretty easy to take care of things like this. Most of the
time, we just need a little more information about your account or latest
To help us with this and to find out what you can and can't do with your
account until the issue is resolved, log in to your account and go to the
Resolution Center.
Yours sincerely,
pro nào giúp mình gỡ limit đc ko. thanks
---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------
đang ko biết gửi mail cho nó ntn nào nữa.
We need your help resolving an issue with your account. To give us time to
work together on this, we've temporarily limited what you can do with your
account until the issue is resolved.
We understand it may be frustrating not to have full access to your PayPal
account. We want to work with you to get your account back to normal as
quickly as possible.
What's the problem?
We need a bit more information about some money you recently received or
Case ID Number: PP-001-331-901-938
How you can help
It's usually pretty easy to take care of things like this. Most of the
time, we just need a little more information about your account or latest
To help us with this and to find out what you can and can't do with your
account until the issue is resolved, log in to your account and go to the
Resolution Center.
Yours sincerely,
pro nào giúp mình gỡ limit đc ko. thanks
---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------
đang ko biết gửi mail cho nó ntn nào nữa.