tớ sẻ buons 5$ để ai giúp tớ. ÍT nhưng dc cái Có . Thông cảm nha ae. please, help me ?
Ae giải quyết thế nào .Cho tớ ý kiến với .We have noticed some extremely high conversion rates and some fraud coming from your account. We have warned you about sending fraud before. So in order for your account not to be blocked, please send an email with Subject "Fraud traffic clean up Review " with a screen shot of live offers on your website. Also, a screen shot of fraud protection services that you are using to clean up fraudulent traffic. Addition to that please provided a detailed explanation on how you will change and control fraudulent activity and stop sending poor quality traffic and a recommendation from an affiliate manager at another network . When we receive this information we will review your account and inform you on our decision.