Ohm-Forked Extremely Successful Protocol-Owned Liquidity Model on Bsc Network,
Currently its Day 2 on the project
Launched 24h Ago, 13.11.2021!
It's a truly revolutionary contract and one of the DeFi’s most interesting protocols we have seen lately.. Very successful day 1, so close to 1mil trade volume in a matter of hours! Join while it's very early!
NemesisDAO Game Documentation
Staking, Bonding explained on Youtube
Buy NMS on BoggedFinance
Buy NMS on PancakeSwap
90% of the LP locked on DX Locker!
Contract: 0x8AC9DC3358A2dB19fDd57f433ff45d1fc357aFb3
-POOCOIN ADS (today)
-MOONARCH ADS (started)
-TWITTER + YOUTUBE INFLUENCERS (twitter raid tonight, youtube this week)
—> 1000$ PRize contest it up —>
Discord Invite contest is live!!
Prize: $1000 worth of $NMS
1st: $250
2nd: $125
3rd: $75
4th-25th: $25
You can check your invites only in invite-stats by typing “-invite”
The contest end date: 20/11/2021
Latest team announcement about marketing plan. —>
Marketing is active, we had almost 1m traffic yesterday, cg &cmc applications are done, now in contact with youtube and Twitter influencers, soon will be announced on tg and discord channels.
What else?
Developments to the protocol is on our plan this week, with an additional liquidity booster feature and probably 1 or maybe 2 partnerships to stand strong on our development.
In addition, a new designer is hired to the team, he is working on materials to be used on social media and press publications.
Medium channel will be created and that side will be upgraded.
So it's still day 1, and all these are planned to proceed this week. During this period, keep up your staking and check our announcement for updates. Your active support here is very important during these 2 weeks.
Web: https://nemesisdao.finance/
Telegram: https://t.me/nemesisdao
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nemesis_DAO
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KB9xcCNbJA
GitHub: https://github.com/NemesisDao