. website is no income from advertising, advertising revenue is very small, most of us get the money you invested, so we invest in the forex market, the interest from which we will pay for you, whether you need to do is quite simple, just click on ads, if you sign up under the affiliate program link forex and participation,
we are not confidential, the receiving ads from the sites is not enough to pay you, trust us, and sign up right now,
Join here: http://www.buxokay.com/?ref=cungkiemtiennao
Person Starter Membership
Pay per click: 0.0100
Pay per referral click: 0.0025
Click need to payout: 60
Maximum Ads: 4
Payout Minimum: 4.00
Premier Membership
Pay per click: 0.0100
Pay per referral click: 0.0070
Click need to payout: 50
Maximum Ads: 6
Payout Minimum: 3.00
Payout Method: INSTANTLY
Payment Proccessor: AlertPay/PayPal
Sau khi reg, để lại ID/PP tại đây hoặc tại http://mmo4vn.com/showthread.php?17171-Cung-kiem-tien-nao
để nhận RB khi có proof ( chia đều theo số ads đã click khi request payout)
. website is no income from advertising, advertising revenue is very small, most of us get the money you invested, so we invest in the forex market, the interest from which we will pay for you, whether you need to do is quite simple, just click on ads, if you sign up under the affiliate program link forex and participation,
we are not confidential, the receiving ads from the sites is not enough to pay you, trust us, and sign up right now,
Join here: http://www.buxokay.com/?ref=cungkiemtiennao
Person Starter Membership
Pay per click: 0.0100
Pay per referral click: 0.0025
Click need to payout: 60
Maximum Ads: 4
Payout Minimum: 4.00
Premier Membership
Pay per click: 0.0100
Pay per referral click: 0.0070
Click need to payout: 50
Maximum Ads: 6
Payout Minimum: 3.00
Payout Method: INSTANTLY
Payment Proccessor: AlertPay/PayPal
Sau khi reg, để lại ID/PP tại đây hoặc tại http://mmo4vn.com/showthread.php?17171-Cung-kiem-tien-nao
để nhận RB khi có proof ( chia đều theo số ads đã click khi request payout)