New Money-clicker - New Game Bitcoin Earn


Mar 19, 2015

What is this site about?

MoneyClicker — The virtual way to earn money online.

Become a virtual miner and become rich!

Mine Stones, Coal, Copper, Tin, Bronze, Iron, Silver, GOLD, Platinum, Amethyst, Topaz, Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies, DIAMONDS and RED DIAMONDS.

As a brand new miner in the game, you will start off mining basic resources like Stone or Coal.

With each click of the mouse, your earnings and level will grow. With higher levels you will be able to obtain richer materials.

Want to increase your earnings?

It’s easy. Just invest some of your virtual currency for upgrades the game offers.

Each new upgrade opens countless possibilities to earn much more. Soon you'll be one of the richest virtual miners in the game!

If you have run out of energy, but you're not tired yet, buy more energy. The small investment you make can really increase your earnings for the day. Otherwise, just wait a few hours until your energy recharges.

How do I earn money?

Click on the "Earn money" tab on the top of the website, and then select one of the activities in the list.

Mine resources

The core feature of the game. You need to select a cave that you want to work in, and click "Start working". You will be redirected to a site with a big blue button "Mine!". Click the button to get a chance of achieving materials listed on the left side of the page. On the right side you have your Level, XP (stands for Experience Points) and Energy.
After mining some resources, you need to click the "Inventory" tab, where you can sell your resources for MCC (MoneyClickerCoin).

Offline miners

In the Store you can purchase offline miners, that will dig resources for you even when you are not on the website. Their speed and amount of materials mined can be upgraded to boost your earnings.

Free roll

Every 24 hours you can participate in a Free roll, where you can get up to 10 000 MCC, you need to be really lucky though!

What is Level, XP, Energy?

MoneyClicker has a leveling system to reward the players that spend a lot of time on the website. With each "Mine!" click, your XP (Experience Points) increases. After you get enough XP, your level will increase by 1. With higher levels you can unlock better caves with much more valueable materials.

What do upgrades mean?

You can invest your earned MCC to upgrade various parts of the game, like higher resource price, faster energy recharge, easier drops...

What is MCC?

MCC (MoneyClickerCoin) is a special currency used in MoneyClicker only. You can earn it through various activities described above.
Exchange rate for MCC is: 1$ = 1 000 000 MCC

Can I convert $ to MCC?

Conversion works only one way, from MCC to $.

How long does it take for energy to recharge?

300 seconds, or 5 minutes. You can speed up the waiting time in the Store.

What is the "Commercial break!"?

Commercial breaks are quick advertisements that you need to watch for few seconds in order to get back to the page. This is done to prevent people from using bots on the website. You can make it appear less often in the Store.

Can I change Captcha?

Yes, you can change Captcha that you want to use in your Profile settings.

Withdraw Processors: Faucethub , Paypal , Direct Wallet Payment.

Min. / Max. Ödeme Withdraw Lim.: $0.5 for Bitcoin (FaucetHub), $1 for Paypal and $10 for Bitcoin (Direct).
Contact us if you need a different payment method.

Withdraw Time and Place: Faucethub Instant - Direct Wallet and Paypal ( 3-4 days )



May 24, 2017
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