Request nhờ giúp fake proof gỡ limit paypal , có trả fee


Jul 11, 2016

Thank you for your cooperation in completing the review of your account.

You've already completed the following actions as part of our review:
- We've received acceptable copies of the following documents or information:
-> Identification document

We're still unable to complete the review process of your account at this time. Please help us finish this process by completing the following steps:

■ Please provide more information about your business. Explain your business model in detail. Include the address of your website and any documentation that can describe the merchandise sold. If you don't have a website or don't sell online, please provide a detailed explanation of how you advertise and sell your items.
You can fax us this information or upload a screenshot of a text file that displays this information on your screen.

■ Please provide some information about the following transaction(s):
-Transaction ID:
Please send us:
* Item info: A full description of the items you sold including the value of the item.
* Business model: A description of your business model. If you are selling online, please provide the URL of your website. If you are not selling online, please explain how you promoted and sold the item to your buyer.
* Shipping info: A description of your shipping method. Please also explain the reason of delay in shipping.
* Other: Any other information about this transaction that might help our investigation such as email communications between you and your buyer.
You can fax us this information or upload a screenshot of a text file that displays this information on your screen.

To be sure that the copy you submit is clear and legible, please scan, fax, or take a digital photo of your original document.
Here's how to submit your documents:
Option 1 (recommended):
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click 'Resolution Center' near the top of the page.
3. You will see a list of steps waiting for your response. Click 'Resolve' under the Action column beside each step.
(Note: There is a 1.28 MB size limit for each document, and the maximum size for all documents is 9.6 MB)

Option 2:
Fax your documents to 86-21-28939832 (China mainland); 852-3550-8589 (Hong Kong); 81-(03)-5767-5505 (Japan); 65-6510-4589 (Other countries) Attn: Account Review Department. Please state your email address and case number on each fax sheet when faxing the documents.

Please help us by completing the required steps within 10 days from the date you receive this email. If we receive no response within 10 days, you will need to contact us by phone or email so that we can manually update your case status.

After you complete these steps, we will review your information and contact you about the status of your PayPal account within 2 business days. We may ask you to provide further information if necessary.

Thank you for your co-operation and support. Please let us know if you need further assistance. You may contact Customer Service by clicking 'Contact Us' at the bottom of the PayPal website.


Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.
Copyright © 1999-2016 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory- PayPal Pte. Ltd., the holder of PayPal's stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

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