Các bạn cho mình hỏi vài hôm trước mình có rút 31$ từ crowdflower về paypal nhưng nó trả lại thằng crowdflower và nó kêu liên hệ thằng crowd để lien hệ phương thức thanh toán, tín nhắn như sau:
"On May 6, 2016, CrowdFlower Inc sent you a payment for $31.15 USD. The money has been returned to CrowdFlower Inc's account. This payment was returned because: You are an international customer and haven't manually accepted or refused this payment."
Các bạn cho mình hỏi làm sao để khắc phục lỗi này,
"On May 6, 2016, CrowdFlower Inc sent you a payment for $31.15 USD. The money has been returned to CrowdFlower Inc's account. This payment was returned because: You are an international customer and haven't manually accepted or refused this payment."
Các bạn cho mình hỏi làm sao để khắc phục lỗi này,