*Our affiliates program is
-60% commission for each sales and renewals from directly purchase ,counted for uploaders' file links.
-48% from using a premium key ,counted for referring owner.
-5% for webmaster
-5% for referral program.
-Minimium payout is 20$
.First payout is 21 days
.From second and then : 7 days from the requested date.
.Payment via Webmoney (Wmtransfer.com) (Worldwide) , Bank transfer (Japan only ,need contact for details)
21/07/2015 Mixed plan added : PPS 60% (sales + renewal) + PPD maximium 40$/1000 DLs
Default plan is PPS plan : 50% of PPD profit + 60% each new sales,50% each renewals (rebills).
-MIX plan : 100% PPD + 60% sales and 60% or renewals (rebills) .
You need contact us to active it after 1 month from the registration date .(above 20 sales/rebills a month).
-Payout schedule : 7 days from the requested date.
-Free premium and storage for Webmaster/Uploader who uses only Subyshare links.
Upload Features:
- Remote Upload.
- Flash Upload.
-FTP upload : use Filezilla client,login with your normal username and password
Hostname : ftp.subyshare.com
Username : your username
Password : your password
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