- Cryptocurrence Exchange Service

Monero is back on!
We are pleased to announce that you can now once again exchange Monero (XMR) in various directions. The exchange process is completely automatic. We are constantly expanding the list of available exchange directions.
Follow our updates and stay up to date with the latest news! works every day to make your exchanges as convenient and fast as possible!
95% of exchange transactions are carried out automatically. During business hours, a support operator is always available on the site, ready to help and answer any question. If you need advice or help with an exchange, we are always in touch.
We are waiting for you at
Now you have the opportunity to exchange Tether USDT via the TON Network. The full list of exchange directions is available on the main page of our website. The list of wallets compatible with the TON Network can be found on the official TON website.
Explore new opportunities with Enjoy your exchange!
Important update! The time for payment of requests has been reduced to 15 minutes. This change is aimed at improving the quality of service and ensuring stable operation of our service. We are sure that these measures will increase the convenience and speed of
Thank you for your understanding.
Dear users! Dear friends! The old year is leaving, giving way to new opportunities and dreams. This year was full of bright moments, and we are happy that you were with us on this path.
May the coming year bring you abundance in business, financial stability and the implementation of all your goals. May your every step bring you closer to success, and every transaction be profitable and flawless.
May your crypto wallets be filled, and the paths to new achievements always be open.
Thank you for trusting us and staying with AltinBit. Happy New Year!


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