[ANN] Relictum Pro | Blockchain 5.0 of the latest generation

In the blockchain, data is divided into equal blocks, which are organized in a chain. Each block has a hash sum of previous blocks, due to which a retroactive change in the contents of a block is immediately detected. Data is written to the blockchain automatically, users only give requests for the creation and recording of this data. The chain itself is stored on the computers of all users at the same time, it is automatically updated and verified with other copies in order to prevent errors and hacks. Blockchain is a special database that provides the most reliable storage of information.

➕ Information cannot be deleted or changed;
➕ Information is entered automatically; no mistake can be made;
➕ Information is stored in several places at the same time, it is impossible to intentionally destroy the medium;
➕ The technology scales to fit every need.

✖️ Information is added in blocks whose volume is limited. So you cannot add a large data packet at a time;
✖️ There is no single standard that discourages conservative giants from using and popularizing the blockchain.

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A distributed storage does not require confirmation of data receipt. Thanks to the organization of various chains of smartcontracts, the system accelerates the search for fragmented files and their viewing. According to the empirical data, the download speed is significantly faster than the P2P network.

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Storage of any digitized documents and a set of data, files in any volume with instant access to any stored information. Distributed data remains forever in the system, unlike any hosting. The copyright is automatically organized with the recognition of intellectual digitized work and a pirated copy. The author’s reward for the use of the work is automated, bypassing intermediaries (using the smart Copyright contract).
? Although developers constantly process incoming data and update software, this is not always enough to secure the blockchain network from targeted hacking. According to statistics, in most cases, the reason for the loss of funds is the negligence of users. Five popular ways to hack a blockchain network:
⠀⠀1. ????????????? - The method consists in replacing a domain name close to the original one belonging to the existing exchange. Fraudsters not only gain full access to the wallets of mistaken users, but also earn on advertising displayed on the site.
⠀⠀2. ????? ?????? - The reception is similar to the symptoms of the personality disorder disease: due to the action of the algorithms, the hacker fills the network with a huge number of fake nodes, causing a system crash. In this case, the attacker gains control over the operations carried out within the network.
⠀⠀3. ??% ?????? - as a result of hacker actions, control is obtained over more than 50% of the computing power of the blockchain network. This gives fraudsters the right to create controlled blocks, obtain coins and manage online activities.
⠀⠀4. ??????? ?????? - The user must remember that in the blockchain there are 3 nodes responsible for conducting financial transactions, and this is only 60% of transactions. Hackers are left to take over the remaining interest in order to gain access to the personal data of users.
⠀⠀5. ???????? ??????? - Suspicious links, spam in the mail, unverified sites and downloaded files - this can lead to infection of the computer, after which the hacker gets access to the user's personal data.

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? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ??% ?????? ??? ????? ???????????. After a single node makes a decision, the network is updated and another main node is selected - dynamic change every second. This excludes various kinds of ambiguities – collisions, double spending, and other things. There are no standard consensus principles. The more nodes are in the network, the better is the performance. This is achieved by the unique architecture of ????? ?? ???? and the organization of the virtual circuit switching network.

? ???????? ??? biometric facial recognition system
A person’s hash is taken, in conjunction with SecureCall – the confirmation of a transaction with a phone call. During a call, the user enters a password using a DTMF signal along with the following solutions:
▪️ After a successful transaction, the private key loses its relevance, and the client is inevitably obliged to generate a new key (or this is done automatically);
▪️ The public hash from the concatenation hash [Token + passphrase] or [Token + random text] in binary form is recorded in the smart contract chain.
▪️ It is possible to use 2 short keys with a sequential check, after checking the 1st key (regardless of the result of the check), it is proposed to enter the second key. The mechanism assumes, after the 1st check, to output a string that is the hash of the 2nd key, which means a hacker will need to pick up the 2nd key without knowing. To prevent hacking, it is possible to limit the number of attempts.
Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies that have a stable price that is not subject to volatility like the value of traditional cryptocurrencies. This property is achieved by linking the exchange rate of stablecoins to stable assets, for example, fiat currencies (US dollars, euros), physical assets (oil, gold). This makes it possible to use Stablecoin as a means of settlement in commodity-money relations, since it allows you to determine and compare prices for goods and services.

All currently available stablecoins can be divided into ????? ?????:
✔️ Stablecoins secured by traditional currencies and other assets in a 1 to 1 ratio.
✔️ Stablecoins provided by other cryptocurrencies. Everything is the same as described above, but instead of fiat currencies and other financial assets, such stablecoins are “tied” to top cryptocurrencies, for example, bitcoin or ether.
✔️ Stablecoins without collateral. Such tokens have a price, which can be any, because they have no connection with something tangible.

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Relict Coin is the coin that is not subject to external economic and political influences, it is based on the complex mathematical algorithm that excludes coin inflation. If you make an analogy with the world of electronic, digitalcurrencies and assets, we can draw the following conclusions:
➖ The amount of assets on Earth — is a constant value
➖ The value of electronic, digital currencies and assets — fluctuates only with respect to each other

The project team believes that you can create a permanent, relative to the basis of all currencies, stablecoin RLC, which would level fluctuations in the value of stable tokens with respect to each other.

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Such constancy will be expressed in the costing of dynamic-coefficient stable-coin RLC related to global electronic, digital currencies and assets that will be reflected on the currency fluctuation map.

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The forging model provides for two options for the emergence of coins:
◾️ ?????????? ??????? - Based on the issue of stable tokens
▫️ Since the tokenomic model of stable tokens involves charging a fee for withdrawing assets from the RLC coin in the amount of 2%
◾️ ?????? ??????? - Based on the purchase of RLC stablecoins
▫️ This is the basis for the release of stable RLC coins

Stable RLC coins resulting from direct forging, in the amount of 100% will be automatically credited to network users who purchased RLC stablecoins.
The development of professional audit requirements at the international level is the responsibility of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), established in 1977.

⚖️ The International Federation of Accountants is an organization uniting national and regional professional accounting organizations representing accountants engaged in public practice, in industry and commerce, in the public sector, and in education. IFAC currently unites 159 members from 118 countries, representing more than 2.5 million accountants.

? The International Federation of Accountants seeks to develop the profession and harmonize its standards worldwide in order to provide accountants with professional services at a high level in the interests of the whole society.

? IFAC includes IAASB - a board for international audit standards and assurance of credibility. The objective of the IAASB is to strengthen the uniformity of audit practices and related services around the world by developing provisions on various audit matters and guaranteeing credibility, as well as promoting their worldwide recognition.

? Following international standards in financial reporting and its verification is designed to unify accounting procedures, but at the same time allows you to maintain national business traditions inherent in the domestic economy. Using the results of an audit in accordance with ISA, one can objectively compare the activities of enterprises in different states, which is very convenient for international investment.

? ???????? ??? - the first global blockchain service is providing the best use of modern equipment laying the groundwork for the future. We provide the IaaSB platform with the infrastructure in the form of a service, where B is a portfolio.
A smartcontract is an automatically executed process that provides for all possible scenarios and there is no possibility of making changes. A prerequisite for the existence of a smart contract is the presence of an execution environment.

???????? ??? is an endless distributed registry with a developed system of smart contracts, describing (formalizing) any event in human life, ranging from buying and selling goods and services, recording logistic events, to tracking copyright and interacting with legal entities, including a number of self-executing transactions (smart contracts) in any field of activity.

We have our own laboratory for all smart contracts.

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♟ ?????
♟ ?????: State Register, Register of properties, Taxation bodies organisation, Universal Postal Union, Road traffic police, State services, Chamber of Commerce, Customs Service, Ministry of Education, Sectoral enterprises, Pharmacies, etc.
♟ ????????: Shops, Services, Wholesale, Commodity exchange, Construction companies, Realtors, Microfinancing, Enterprises, Gaming business.
♟ ??????? ???????: Receipt of goods, Receipt of services, Data storage, Copyright Sale of products of its own production, Earnings on transactions.

? Let's consider several smart contracts’ applications:

⚙️ ????????. Almost all types of existing relationships in the exchange of goods can be implemented in the form of contracts. The attractiveness of smart contracts is the possibility of determining and fixing unchanged the terms of the transaction of participants who do not trust each other. It is quite possible to consider formalized business processes of enterprises as a prototype of a smart contract from life. Once described, they begin their independent functioning according to a given algorithm.

? ?????. Smart contracts can replace the need for time-consuming and complex legal documentation - just new bank customers will adhere to KYC processes. Client information can be easily verified against records stored on the blockchain. This, in turn, can satisfy the conditions that allow unlocking additional services based on smart contracts.

? ???????. Smart contracts can be used to automate licensing and as a form of digital rights management, but this can cause criticism both in terms of the theory of “effective violation” and in connection with the difficulties that this technology experiences when dealing with exceptions or copyright protection.

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? In recent years, representatives of government agencies, businesses, the financial sector, and the banking community have shown great interest in relatively new technology - blockchain.

? In 2013, the blockchain 2.0 applications focused on a wide range of areas, from domain name registration to financial contracts, crowdfunding and even games based on the same technologies that ensure decentralized and secure Bitcoin. According to the definition of D. and A. Tapscott, the authors of the book “The Blockchain Revolution”, “... blockchain is an eternal digital distributed journal of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not only financial transactions but also practically everything that has a value”.

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? The number of possible embedded smart contracts is not limited in number and in time. Cryptocurrency is one chain of smart contracts; tokens are the second chain of smart contracts; the third chain of smartcontracts is operations in crypto exchanges. New properties emerge in the operation of all smart contracts in Relictum Pro developed by smart contracts:
? The possibility of the intersection of smart contracts, thus describing a more complete type-properties of the goods;
? A blockchain remembers everything as an opportunity to get a virtual portrait of a person and, if desired, a participant can make a full sample on various aspects of their life activity.

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❄️ Smart contracts are used to formalize any type of activity where an event occurs;
❄️ Smart contract independently monitors whether some particular terms of the contract were fully implemented. At the same time, thanks to the Relictum Pro system itself, the code is absolutely protected from any third-party intervention;
❄️ That is, no attacker can change the source code of a smart contract between two (or more) nodes;
❄️ It is an opportunity to conduct operations with different types of smart contracts;
❄️ Possibility to generate new smart contracts with new type-properties or property-types;
❄️ In our system, a smart contract can be concluded at the same time between 10 contractors. The weight (size) of a single block in RelictumPro is about 120 bytes, which is 8000 times less, compared to, for example, Bitcoin.

⠀⠀???? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ????: https://relictum.pro/cabinet/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf
? Although the blockchain was not truly applied in 2017, it has become quite tangible in a technological sense. Now that the software is developed, those who are closely working on the development of the technology say that full-fledged products are about to appear.

? All the experiments and concepts of Proof-of-Something were not made to have fun. They were designed to understand what can be changed with technology and what cannot. We have gained an understanding of a really useful product for business. Blockchain is no longer abstract; very soon it will become a good business.

? Relictum Pro is impossible to compare with any existing project at the moment. There is no concept of “comparison with competitors” for Relictum Pro, since, keeping in mind the problems of modern network organization, HyperNet in our communication way is not used anywhere.

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? The competitors' blockchain systems are organized on P2P networks, which, with a large number of nodes, leads to a decrease of filling rate of the entire network.
? The existing competitor’s average network filling rate (all nodes) with blocks (Bitcoin or Aether), taking into account the confirmations, takes, on average, from 10 minutes to several weeks.
? Low throughput capacity

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? Relictum Pro network instantly self-organizes established virtual channels between node-node-node and is guaranteed to fill the network in 0.5-1 sec.
? Relictum Pro transaction speed (the rate of filling the entire network with blocks in each node) takes from 0.5 to 1 sec.
? Currently, we have reached a level of 100,000 transactions/s on the Internet. Objective and calculated throughput capacity is up to 1,000,000 transactions/s

Thus, Relictum Pro network is incomparably better than its competitors, providing lightning speed of transactions and reliability.

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Bitcoin has many problems, but in this post we will focus on the main thing: transactions with this digital currency are carried out incredibly long.

One of the main problems of modern blockchains is large block size. It is 8000 times bigger than our block size (1,024,000 bytes = 1Mb against 120 bytes). It is not advisable to accommodate all transactions that cannot be placed in a single block in a single block. This leads to a decrease in the speed of data processing, a decrease in the speed of data transfer, as well as a decrease in the speed of searching for the necessary information.

The more network congestion, the longer transactions take. And in itself this problem will not be solved. When a new transaction is launched in the Bitcoin blockchain, information about it is visible immediately, but the actual currency transfer may take several minutes or even hours. This expectation is inconvenient to neither buyers nor sellers.

Bitcoin is extremely inefficient in matters of network scaling. Transactions in it as the number of users grows, they become more and more slow and expensive.

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The existing network organization of modern blockchains is peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Relictum blockchain platform uses a unique protocol based on the TCP/IP protocol, in which a virtual communication channel with each node is formed over the Internet. The advantages of this network are its reliable stability and isolation from the general segment of the Internet. In this virtual channel, only Relictum Pro information is transmitted, which increases the data transfer speed several times.

????????? ?? ?????????: One node connects to several and in parts downloads data from other nodes. Thus, the download speed was close to the maximum value of the network card and the speed of a provider.

As a transport, we use a new type of network based on the fourth-level data network of the OSI model. _HyperNet is a virtual channel switching network.

The network provides a constant stable connection between all nodes for a small limited period of time (from 0.5 to 10 s), depending on the network load. With a small network load, this gap can be up to 10 s, while with a loaded network it decreases to less than 0.5 s
?Dear Relictum Pro community!

? 13 000 Members of Relictum PRO has been reached. During this time, we received a lot of feedback about work of our network, this has a positive effect on the development of the project. ?New heights will be reached soon and incredible opportunities of Relictum Pro blockchain will be in great demand!

?You can join to our regular contests in our telegram chats and have a nice time!

? Website: https://relictum.pro
?Relictum Pro BIG AMA

1th May , Friday

6pm GMT

We are glad to inform you that AMA session planned on 1th May .
Each of you can participate and ask no more than two questions. You can ask your questions in English and Russian.
Participants who will ask the top 5 questions will receive a good rewards?:

?Top-1 - 5555 GTN ($25)
?Top-2 - 4444 GTN ($20)
?Top-3 - 3333 GTN ($15)
?Top-4 - 2222 GTN ($10)
?Top-5 - 1111 GTN ($5)

▶️To attend you need to write your questions (no more than two questions) here:

❗️Deadline - 31 April

? Relictum Pro is a new-generation blockchain network in which you can conduct transactions with any electronic or digital currency, digital assets, cryptocurrencies, and fiat currencies, the cost of which is the lowest in the world – 0 %, and the network speed is at least 1,000,000 transactions per second.

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➿ genesis tokens (GTN),
➿ stable-tokens,
➿ Relict coins (RLC).

In this post, we will tell you about the purpose, emission volume, and distribution procedure of Genesis tokens.

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? ??????? ?????? are tokens expressing the intellectual property (IP) rights of the Relictum Pro software code, issued in the amount of 10 000 000 000 GTN. Genesis Token is distributed in the course of the corresponding ICO or IEO rounds among early investors who believed in the mathematically sound concept of Relictum Pro.

✏️ Genesis tokens give the right to receive royalties for the use of the intellectual property (IP) of the Relictum Pro software code in the amount of 19% of the forging (emission) size of RLC.

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? Total emission genesis of GTN tokens: 10 000 000 000 GTN

Accommodation rate 1 GTN, $: 0,0045 $

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? Early investors - 50%
? Team - 38%
? Marketing expenses - 9%
? Advisors and experts - 3%

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Hash and hashing algorithms are key concepts that newcomers to the blockchain know about and which always go hand in hand with security.

To maintain decentralized networks and consensus mechanisms, including Bitcoin or Ethereum with a thousand nodes connected via p2p, a “lack of trust” and an effective confirmation system are necessary. These networks need compact methods of encrypting information that would allow participants to conduct quick and secure checks.

Block is one of the main components of Bitcoin and Ethereum. The block contains information about transactions, timestamps, and other significant metadata. A considerable role in ensuring security is played by the ability to compress large amounts of information about the global network status into short standard messages, which can be easily checked if necessary. These messages are the hash.

Hash algorithms in cryptography are used everywhere. The main areas of their application are the storage of passwords, file verification systems, etc. The essence of these hashes is to use a deterministic algorithm that takes input and creates a string with a fixed length. Thus, the same input will always be converted to the same output.

Determinism is important not only for hashes because even if you change one bit of the input data, you also get a completely different hash.

However, there is a problem with hashing algorithms - this is the inevitability of collisions. Collisions are bad. This means that the attacker who created the collisions can transfer malicious files while hiding under the correct hash. A good hash function should make it more difficult for attackers to find ways to create an input with the same hash value.

The process of calculating the hash should not be too effective since in this case, attackers can easily calculate collisions. Hash algorithms must be resistant to the attacks of finding the pre-image. It is necessary to complicate the process of calculating steps to find the initial value from which the hash was created (for example, the inverse image).

Relictum Pro is a supplemented modification of SHA1-based hashing mathematics. The main advantage of it is in converting from 20 bytes to 32 bytes (in your own hash). This gives a high crypto-stability, including from a promising quantum computer.
On Wednesday, April 4, a network of anonymous cryptocurrency Verge was subjected to the so-called “51% attack.” As a result, for three hours, fraudsters completely controlled the network and the transactions taking place in it. In this post, we will look at how such attacks happen, in which cases they are most likely to occur, and how exactly the Relictum Pro network solves this problem.

How the “51% attack” happens.
A “51% attack” occurs when the attacker, in which a relatively small number of miners can play, has a “control packet” of the hashrate, that is, computing power. As a result of the attack, miners gain control over the entire network and can create blocks at their discretion.

In a network that uses the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm, in order to add a new block, miners must perform complex calculations, thereby proving that they have done the work. The first miner who proposed the right solution creates a new block and receives a reward for this. The more computing power the miner has, the higher the chances of finding the right solution faster than anyone and the greater the size of the reward.

It is the key role of computing power that leads to the 51% Attack threat. If a miner or a pool of miners controls more than half the hashrate, then they have the opportunity to completely control the network: they can add new blocks, manipulate two-way operations and not confirm new transactions. Also, with the “51% attack”, attackers can use the same coin several times, recalling transactions made with it, which is called double-spending.

Solving the problem of 51% attack.
In Relictum Pro, a single node makes a decision within 0.5 to 10 seconds, the network is updated (regenerates) and another main node is selected, it collects instructions, forms blocks and distributes them to all nodes, i.e., the network changes dynamically every second. This gives an advantage, which excludes various kinds of ambiguities – collisions, double spending, and other things. There are no standard consensus principles. The more nodes are in the network, the better is the performance. This is achieved by the unique architecture of Proof of Tsar and the organization of the virtual circuit switching network.

Website: https://relictum.pro
Greetings, dear community. In this post, we will tell you why we’ve chosen Android for running our application.

When properly implemented, Blockchain can provide a decentralized solution that reduces intermediates, improves accountability while protecting the data, and prevents unauthorized access.

Why integrate blockchain with Android?

- Distributed data — It is more readily available, and in case of network failure, it functions better than an application that has data stored in a centralized server.
- Secure and safe — A blockchain app uses cryptography to encrypt data.
- Reduces data loss — Any authentic updates or changes in the database get distributed to all other databases in the network. As a result, data loss is minimized.

The basic concept of RELICTUM PRO is the development of a safe, high-performance ecosystem of decentralized applications (smart contracts) created both by RELICTUM PRO and dynamic ones — developed by the community to ensure transparent and free work within different areas of the economy of the state, enterprise or public service.

RELICTUM PRO has chosen Android due to the fact that this platform is more friendly for installing and running applications that perform complex operations within the operating system (working with a network is considered to be such an operation), working with RAM, complex calculations, etc.

The project team has chosen this platform for the first stage, besides the installation of the APK application is possible without preliminary registration of the application with Google’s PlayMarket, which, in turn, is not an ideal scenario for distributing the product, but it’s acceptable at the launch stage, provided that the Android-based application from RELICTUM PRO is already undergoing registration and verification in Google’s PlayMarket.

? Follow THIS instruction https://relictum.pro/faq to download and install an Android-based application!

❗️ Choose the latest and the most advanced ? blockchain 5.0 RELICTUM PRO!

? Website: https://relictum.pro
?Dear Relictum Pro community!

14 000 Members of Relictum PRO has been reached.
This week we answer your questions and hope every community member will find this session informative and constructive and know more about our next steps and milestones!
Be with us, Relictum.pro https://relictum.pro/ community!
Today, we will tell you about the forging of the RLC stable coins.

Stable coins RLC is the main coin of the Relictum Pro network, the issue of which is built on the forging of coins.

Forging is a creation of new entries in the blockchain based on the participation of RelictumPro network nodes in computational processes with the ability to receive remuneration in the form of new units – RLC stable coins. The forging of the RLC stablecoins is built on the principles of relic radiation.

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? ????????????? ??????? which is based on the issue of stable tokens. Since the tokenomic model of stable tokens involves charging a fee for withdrawing assets from the RLC coin in the amount of 2%, the emergence of the RLC stable coin occurs at the moment of entering the stable token into the Relictum Pro network.

? The amount of RLC commissioned forging is calculated by the formula:
⠀⠀N (RLC) = 2%N (STNi) Ki c.c.f.,
?% - is a fee forging ratio (Relictum Pro fee amount set in the smart contract for withdrawal for the corresponding electronic, digital currency or asset)
? (???) - is the number of RLC Stable Coin issued;
? (????) - is the number of the corresponding electronic, digital currencies and assets entered (credited) to Relictum Pro;
?? ?.?.?. - is the coefficient of the corresponding electronic, digital currency, or asset included in the Currency fluctuation map at the time of the transaction.

? ?????? ??????? which is based on the purchase of RLC Stable Coins. This is the basis for the release of the RLC Stable Coin. For this, we have provided direct forging.
⠀⠀N (RLC) = N (STNi) * Ki c.c.f.,
? (???) - is the number of RLC Stable Coin issued;
? (????) - is the number of the corresponding electronic, digital currencies and assets entered (credited) to the Relictum Pro network;
?? ?.?.?. - is the coefficient of the corresponding electronic, digital currency, or asset included in the Currency fluctuation map at the time of the transaction.

Read more about the forging and RLC stable coin here:

? To join the Token Sale Roud, click here: https://relictum.pro/token-sale ?
Today, we are going to share with you some important information on what the speed of transaction depends on.

? Miners take transactions from the mempool, form blocks from them and process them. They receive a reward for processing one block of transactions in the blockchain.

? The transaction speed depends on the number of coins sent and on the commission that the sender is willing to pay for the quick delivery of his message.

? Some wallets allow customers to increase commission and thereby speed up transactions. Others (such as Coinbase), calculate the commission themselves using mechanisms that they do not want to disclose. As a result, miners receive not only remuneration for the block, but also additional commissions.

? This encourages miners to select transactions with higher fees for volumes or for the speed of sending. Thus, it is the miners who are the key participants in cryptocurrency transactions. It depends on the miners how quickly the recipient receives the coins.

? Relictum Pro allows you to confirm transactions within the network of current cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc. Transaction confirmations happen instantly. Even if Bitcoin has not reached the owner, a user can already immediately dispose of it.

? Relictum Pro transaction speed (the rate of filling the entire network with blocks in each node) takes from 0.5 to 1 second. ⚡️ While the average speed of filing the network (all nodes) with blocks (Bitcoin or Ether) existing for competitors, taking into account the confirmations, takes, on average, from 10 minutes to several weeks.

? ??? ???? ???????, ????? ??? ???????: https://relictum.pro

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