Bonus 1 AP khi tham gia DollarMonster

mới dep lần 2 đó bác chủ thớt. BN lần 2 mình đi:binhsua58:

Mình đã bonus bạn 1$ lúc trước rồi bạn nhé : )

Position 331 ZzhoanghungzZ January 08, 2012 12:22am $4.59 USD

Position 582 ZzhoanghungzZ January 08, 2012 1:35am $26.04 USD

1 cái nó nghi là hnay đc rút $4.59 USD , còn $26.04 USD ngày mai mới đau chứ
Cách nhau có 250 mà 1 cái hôm nay, một cái mai hả bác! Hình như bác còn 1 Position nữa, em ở dưới cách bác 2 - 3 vị trí gì đó!


Mar 9, 2011
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cho mình hỏi chút là cái này nó cũng giống như kiểu mình đầu tư vào rùi chờ tiền lãi thôi chứ ko phải click quảng cáo hay gì gì đó hả
và cái thời gian chờ đến lượt nó trả lãi ấy phụ thuộc vào cái gì vậy?
vào số tiền mình đầu tư? hay thời gian mình đầu tư sớm hay muộn? hay là ngẫu nhiên thôi?
cho mình hỏi chút là cái này nó cũng giống như kiểu mình đầu tư vào rùi chờ tiền lãi thôi chứ ko phải click quảng cáo hay gì gì đó hả

đúng rồi chỉ cần dep min 6$ AP đợi 2 ngày nhận x 2

và cái thời gian chờ đến lượt nó trả lãi ấy phụ thuộc vào cái gì vậy?

cái này là gà nướng gà thôi , A dep tiền B nhận tiền rồi sau thằng A dep tiền thằng A nhận $ , Admin ở dữa ăn Free

vào số tiền mình đầu tư? hay thời gian mình đầu tư sớm hay muộn? hay là ngẫu nhiên thôi?

vào số tiền bạn đầu tư nhiều ăn nhiều ít ăn ít
Matthew Bourge: "Yes, we are currently working to get your position stated in your account overview."

Here is the result of my conversation with Matthew Bourge, the owner of CFB/DM
MAtthew, here is what appears to be on the radar in both of our chatrooms
[2:13:03 PM] No Stress - Faith Sloan:
1. Some people are still experience paymeng glitches where they cycle but no payments are sent to AP. I understnad that it is a tech API problem and directed them to send a support ticket

2. We want to see the paging mechanism implemented. Folks really want to 'see' their positions regardless of where it is in the line.

3. There has been some talk about adding the ability to AUTO-INVEST. MAybe via a toggle switch for 50% or maybe implement it where they can enter 10%, 25% or whatever they choose.

[2:16:41 PM] No Stress - Faith Sloan: I know you are busy. But take this away with you. The AUTO-INVEST would be great. It would save on AP fees for sure. You could still take out your transaction fees though.
[2:21:31 PM] Matthew Bourge: 1. We are currently working on this issue. Most of it is because AlertPay's API system cannot keep up with the payments going out.
[2:21:45 PM] Matthew Bourge: 2. We are currently working on this issue as well, and it should be back up shortly.
[2:21:49 PM] No Stress - Faith Sloan: I know that about 1. I'll say it in a non-tech way for them
[2:21:52 PM] No Stress - Faith Sloan: 2. super
[2:22:56 PM] Matthew Bourge: 3. Auto-invest was implemented before, however it caused alot of hassles with the previous version of DollarMonster and at this time I don't think it would be a good idea right away. I prefer to sit back and watch how the system works out for the next few months, and if all is well - I will have my Web Development team implement Auto-Reinvest.

[2:24:09 PM] No Stress - Faith Sloan: Okay. I told them that auto-reinvesting isn't just turning on a switch. Security has to be implemented otherwise someone could put in 1000% and steal the money. I am a software engineer of 27+ years and a web software engineer the last 14 years. So I know. ;)

[2:24:57 PM] No Stress - Faith Sloan: I believe that is all. You are doing a stand up job. We suspect things will pick up tonigh when folks come home from work. Also the big dogs' happiness will indeed get them excited eough to re-invest. The goal is to continue throwing people at it and get everyone to re-invest.

[2:25:09 PM] No Stress - Faith Sloan: I know you are busy. So thank you for your time, Matthew.
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