"Dear admin of pixandprofit!
I'm one of members work in captcha industry. We have old corporation with pixprofit. Nearly some days, i see you have just banned many IDs and groups captcha. And many members of our forum feel it is very terrible.The don’t have any work.Some one retired, someone chose other captcha project(kolo, megatypers, captcha2cash)..It’s chaos situation in captcha labour market. I see you want quality workers in captcha industry, so you ban member who work with bad quality. Actually,many members who work carefully.But they are banned. And you give us some reasons. But it is not clearly.We need a job, we need fair, too.I see you give us the price about our working-depend on priority. And we feel it is right policy.
As for us, we expect to pixprofit will be okay soon. Don’t make us always scare about our job .We still choose pixprofit.Because we don’t want to change our project and we want to work in professional environment.We believe in this project.Could you give us some belief?.We are looking for you answer."
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