SCAM Cliqueseria Reviews : SCAM or LEGIT ?


Nov 18, 2014
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site này mình trước mình vào gói max cũng lãi khá cao, nhưng từ khi có cái vụ refe không chịu click và trừ tiền refe chết nên bỏ của chạy lấy người luôn.:(:(:(
Giờ withdraw cứ đắn đo không biết nên PM hay BTC(nghe nói sẽ tăng mạnh vào 2018)
BTC là 1 ẩn số :v
site này mình trước mình vào gói max cũng lãi khá cao, nhưng từ khi có cái vụ refe không chịu click và trừ tiền refe chết nên bỏ của chạy lấy người luôn.:(:(:(
Site này RR click đều mà bạn, bỏ lỡ site này thì hơi phí
Đã áp dụng hình thức cashout theo ROI

Dear Members,

I am sure most of you know the system which Grandbux has implemented about ROI. They had ROI for every upgrade type and their system became favorite to many people. Following their system, tonight I have installed ROI tool which will be monitoring and be distributing the cashouts in a new way.

During these years the sites of the Clique Group have proved their reliability and we have not stopped making improvements and we won't stop giving you more earning ways. Our Advertisers are happy to receive a quality and good traffic to their links while our Investors are satisfied with endless earnings. We won't stop here but we will continue to deliver professional service no matter what.There are huge plans for the future which include having faucets, other mining tools and new kinds of contests and offerwalls. In order to preserve the stable nature here, and in order to maintain the business as a whole, the ROI was installed.

ROI means a return of the investment. Every member, with the exception of the non-depositors, will have this cash out regulations, but it won't prevent anyone to earn as much as one wants. Together with this rule, I am installing in the moment the Referral Market tool where everyone can sell his active Direct Referrals, while the other may purchase super active members to work for them. More info is coming in the next days.

How does the ROI distribution work? Below is shown how much every investor may cash out to Main Balance and How much to the Purchase Balance, according to what is his ROI in the moment of the cash out:

ROI < 120% ----> 100% MB
120%<ROI<150% ---> 60%MB/40%PB
150%<ROI<180% ---> 50%MB/50%PB
180%<ROI<220% ---> 40%MB/60%PB
ROI>220% ---> 20%MB/80%PB

Example: The Member XXX has deposited 54$ until now. He cashed out 110$. It means he cashed out more than 2 times compared to his deposit. His ROI is more than 200%. He wants to cash out 10$ in the moment, due to the regulation, he will be able to cash out 2$ to any processor and the other 8$ will go into his Purchase Balance. In future if the member XXX wants to cash out more than 20%, he should make a new deposit from any payment processor. Remember that only deposits from the payment processors are counted as an investment!

I am also negotiating with a company for games and some games can be tested very soon on our platform. And it will be so cool to earn while you play your favorite game, right?!?

More news coming in the next hours, so stay connected!
Đã áp dụng hình thức cashout theo ROI

Dear Members,

I am sure most of you know the system which Grandbux has implemented about ROI. They had ROI for every upgrade type and their system became favorite to many people. Following their system, tonight I have installed ROI tool which will be monitoring and be distributing the cashouts in a new way.

During these years the sites of the Clique Group have proved their reliability and we have not stopped making improvements and we won't stop giving you more earning ways. Our Advertisers are happy to receive a quality and good traffic to their links while our Investors are satisfied with endless earnings. We won't stop here but we will continue to deliver professional service no matter what.There are huge plans for the future which include having faucets, other mining tools and new kinds of contests and offerwalls. In order to preserve the stable nature here, and in order to maintain the business as a whole, the ROI was installed.

ROI means a return of the investment. Every member, with the exception of the non-depositors, will have this cash out regulations, but it won't prevent anyone to earn as much as one wants. Together with this rule, I am installing in the moment the Referral Market tool where everyone can sell his active Direct Referrals, while the other may purchase super active members to work for them. More info is coming in the next days.

How does the ROI distribution work? Below is shown how much every investor may cash out to Main Balance and How much to the Purchase Balance, according to what is his ROI in the moment of the cash out:

ROI < 120% ----> 100% MB
120%<ROI<150% ---> 60%MB/40%PB
150%<ROI<180% ---> 50%MB/50%PB
180%<ROI<220% ---> 40%MB/60%PB
ROI>220% ---> 20%MB/80%PB

Example: The Member XXX has deposited 54$ until now. He cashed out 110$. It means he cashed out more than 2 times compared to his deposit. His ROI is more than 200%. He wants to cash out 10$ in the moment, due to the regulation, he will be able to cash out 2$ to any processor and the other 8$ will go into his Purchase Balance. In future if the member XXX wants to cash out more than 20%, he should make a new deposit from any payment processor. Remember that only deposits from the payment processors are counted as an investment!

I am also negotiating with a company for games and some games can be tested very soon on our platform. And it will be so cool to earn while you play your favorite game, right?!?

More news coming in the next hours, so stay connected!
Về cơ bản thì set ROI như này vẫn ở mức chấp nhận được
Thớt giải thích cụ thể việc cashout theo ROI này cho ae hiểu với
ROI = (tổng rút)/tổng deposit
Khi bạn nhấn vào withdraw sẽ hiện ra ROI của bạn ở đó. Dựa theo % ROI sẽ quy đổi ra % $ được rút tương ứng. VD ROI < 120 % thì sẽ được rút 100% số tiền mà bạn đặt lệnh rút.
ROI < 120% ----> 100% MB
120%<ROI<150% ---> 60%MB/40%PB
150%<ROI<180% ---> 50%MB/50%PB
180%<ROI<220% ---> 40%MB/60%PB
ROI>220% ---> 20%MB/80%PB
Có tính dồn không thớt.
Vd: em dep 10$ rút lần 1 5$ => ROI 50% lần 2 rút 10$ => ROI 100% hay 150% (10+5/10) ??

ROI = (tổng rút)/tổng deposit
Khi bạn nhấn vào withdraw sẽ hiện ra ROI của bạn ở đó. Dựa theo % ROI sẽ quy đổi ra % $ được rút tương ứng. VD ROI < 120 % thì sẽ được rút 100% số tiền mà bạn đặt lệnh rút.
ROI < 120% ----> 100% MB
120%<ROI<150% ---> 60%MB/40%PB
150%<ROI<180% ---> 50%MB/50%PB
180%<ROI<220% ---> 40%MB/60%PB
ROI>220% ---> 20%MB/80%PB
Dep từ mấy cổng thanh toán nó mới tính là dep hả thớt? chơi vậy là nó chỉ cho mình rút tương ứng với số dep rồi? Trang này bắt đầu có dấu hiệu chơi lầy rồi?

Khi chưa có rule ROI này Em dep bằng main balance khi gia hạn gói membership tiết kiệm và sinh lời nhiều hơn, trang chơi ROI kiểu vậy khác nào rút ra rồi lại phải dep vào để được rút tiêp 100% cashout, lấy đâu ra lãi cho mình hả thớt?
Khi chưa có rule ROI này Em dep bằng main balance khi gia hạn gói membership tiết kiệm và sinh lời nhiều hơn, trang chơi ROI kiểu vậy khác nào rút ra rồi lại phải dep vào để được rút tiêp 100% cashout, lấy đâu ra lãi cho mình hả thớt?
Dep từ mấy cổng thanh toán nó mới tính là dep hả thớt? chơi vậy là nó chỉ cho mình rút tương ứng với số dep rồi? Trang này bắt đầu có dấu hiệu chơi lầy rồi?
Như mình đã nói mức ROI này vẫn tạm chấp nhân đc. Các b ở đây ROI đang bnhieu rồi ?
Khuyến mãi deposit nhé mn !
Dear Members,

The 9th of November is the Official date when Cliquebook celebrates its birthday. 2 years ago it all has started, 2 years ago no one knew about what it is about to happen. 2 years ago I have started working with Cliquebook. 2 years is not that much, but 2 years in the ptc business is a lot. And you know why. If it is possible, some of the oldest members, may bring the time back and count how many sites have launched and how many have survived for 2 years. For these 2 years, we had happy and sad moments, but no matter what has happened I have managed to stay operative with the sites. 2 Years is a very important period especially when speaking of ptc business, and I can bravely declare that we have passed through many ups and downs, we have passed through much wonderful news followed by less wonderful ones. We stayed with you!
Firstly I thought it will be wonderful to bring to your attention some financial data, history status and info about the future, but later I have decided not to do that. I think things to be remembered even if I do not repeat everything again and again. It is why I will continue with what will be the promos about.
You all know that the Bitcoin has become a revolutionary coin which is now tradable worldwide. It is why we start with Add funds promo where the Bitcoins will play its major role.

1. Add Funds Promo Days - Starting from tomorrow, the 8th of November, 00:00 server time, Add funds promo is about to start. For every deposit more than 10$, you will receive 10% Bonus. The Bonuses will be assigned automatically, after your deposit. This Promo concerns Payza, Perfect Money, Payeer and Solidtrustpay.

2. Bitcoin Deposits - 20% Add funds promo for deposits more than 10$. 10% of the bonus will be added automatically, the other 10% manually within 24 hours.

Enjoy and celebrate with us! 2nd Anniversary and many more to follow! Be healthy and happy!
Nov 28, 2011
Follow me on Facebook
Khuyến mãi deposit nhé mn !
Dear Members,

The 9th of November is the Official date when Cliquebook celebrates its birthday. 2 years ago it all has started, 2 years ago no one knew about what it is about to happen. 2 years ago I have started working with Cliquebook. 2 years is not that much, but 2 years in the ptc business is a lot. And you know why. If it is possible, some of the oldest members, may bring the time back and count how many sites have launched and how many have survived for 2 years. For these 2 years, we had happy and sad moments, but no matter what has happened I have managed to stay operative with the sites. 2 Years is a very important period especially when speaking of ptc business, and I can bravely declare that we have passed through many ups and downs, we have passed through much wonderful news followed by less wonderful ones. We stayed with you!
Firstly I thought it will be wonderful to bring to your attention some financial data, history status and info about the future, but later I have decided not to do that. I think things to be remembered even if I do not repeat everything again and again. It is why I will continue with what will be the promos about.
You all know that the Bitcoin has become a revolutionary coin which is now tradable worldwide. It is why we start with Add funds promo where the Bitcoins will play its major role.

1. Add Funds Promo Days - Starting from tomorrow, the 8th of November, 00:00 server time, Add funds promo is about to start. For every deposit more than 10$, you will receive 10% Bonus. The Bonuses will be assigned automatically, after your deposit. This Promo concerns Payza, Perfect Money, Payeer and Solidtrustpay.

2. Bitcoin Deposits - 20% Add funds promo for deposits more than 10$. 10% of the bonus will be added automatically, the other 10% manually within 24 hours.

Enjoy and celebrate with us! 2nd Anniversary and many more to follow! Be healthy and happy!
vẫn chiến ok ak bác


Sep 26, 2016
e thấy đưa ra ROI là hợp lí đó chứ , grandbux cũng roi, có scarlet-clicks là chưa có roi là site đó chắc đủ cafe chứ ko đủ ăn sáng, roi đảm bảo sẽ lâu dài hơn, chứ giờ AVG ổn định, 1000rr ngày kiếm khoảng 1.5$ là thơm rồi. ;);)

Mình bị thế này, phần fix adv nó ko hiển thị, thử xóa cache rồi mà vẫn ko đc, cập nhật cài lại trình duyệt rồi vẫn thế, 4 trang ptc mình chơi thì bị hết 3, có cách nào khắc phụ ko ạ ?


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