Henbbo Foundation started working offline in the crypto market in 2014, when bitcoin was about $350. That seemed like an amazing result to everyone at the time.

Now our company has grown significantly. And not so long ago we moved to a new level of work - we launched our online platform. With its help anyone from anywhere in the world can now start to earn with us on the crypto market.

It's been 180 days of our online platform and Henbbo is summing up the interim results. Last year was in many ways a difficult one for the crypto industry as a whole. Despite this, the fund was able to increase the number of its investors. Now their total number has already exceeded 330 thousand.

Thanks to the competent strategy and the trust of clients even in the conditions of the global financial crisis, Henbbo fund continued to increase its investment portfolio and the size of payments on staking. Over the past 180 days, their size has increased by 8.7% and 10.2%, respectively. Today, the total amount of payments is close to the value of $ 70 million.

To give you an example, if you had invested $1000 six months ago in a Classic plan with 1.65% daily, you would have made over 200% over those 180 days (about 130 business days).
1,65% * 130 * $1000 = $2145

If you use more profitable Premium plan and deposit $2000, then during the same period you could earn more than 300% income.
2,4% * 130 *$2000 = $6 240

Well, the most profitable variant is staking with "Included" offers for all tariff plans. Having invested $3000 half a year ago your net profit today would have exceeded your investment almost X14 times!
10,5% * 130 * $3000 = $40 950
Don't miss your time - start earning with Henbbo now!
Henbbo - smart investment will change your life!