Moneda Airdrop
Free 60 MND tokens (~ 35 USD)
1. Signup here, click to BUY TOKENS :
2. Verify your email
3. Fill out airdrop form for with the email used to sign up on their website:
4. Join Telegram Group: @getMoneda
Berith Airdrop
Free 260BRT (60 for sign-up and 200 for fill the form)
1. Register on
to create a Berith wallet. Choose English by clicking on flag. Click on ''sign up''
2. Registration requires phone & email verification
3. Use recommender code: xa7p9r3vei
4. You earned 60 BRT by signing up! Copy your wallet address on your dashboard
5. Go to airdrop form
6. Join Telegram and Twitter (Facebook is optional) to earn200 more BRT!
7. Submit your Berith wallet address and other details to airdrop form
MXM token airdrop get 100MXM join telegram bot
1MXM=0.25$ Worth ~25$
site link:
Enter Eth address on telegram bot