
The Firo (FIRO) Cryptocurrency Is Now Available on LetsExchange


Nov 30, 2022

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Firo (FIRO), a privacy-preserving cryptocurrency, is now available on LetsExchange, a crypto exchange platform supporting over 3,800 digital coins and tokens. Now, the crypto community can conveniently swap this coin for thousands of other cryptocurrencies at competitive rates on an easy-to-use widget.

Moreover, LetsExchange and the Firo team are planning joint marketing activities that include ask-me-anything (AMA) sessions, promotional codes, and more. LetsExchange offers extensive marketing support to newly listed cryptocurrencies on our platform to boost their popularity in the crypto space, which ultimately helps them to grow and thrive.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “Listing FIRO on our instant exchange will undoubtedly help this coin to increase the number of people using it and investing in it. This cryptocurrency offers a unique chance for our users to transact securely while safeguarding their financial privacy in today's digital landscape.”

He also emphasized that the coin community, which pays great attention to security and privacy, will appreciate LetsExchange's service and solutions for coins’ teams. The service and LetsExchange’s B2B solutions allow users to swap FIRO without mandatory registration and disclosure of personal information. These solutions include a Telegram bot, exchange widget, etc.

Firo (FIRO) is a privacy-preserving cryptocurrency and ecosystem. Formerly known as Zcoin, Firo is at the forefront of cryptocurrency privacy, with Lelantus and Lelantus Spark providing trustless, on-chain privacy with high anonymity sets. Dandelion++ technology also provides network-layer privacy. It uses a hybrid PoW and LLMQ Chainlocks system combining fair supply distribution with protection against 51% attacks and quick finality of blocks and transactions. Firo's Elysium tokenization layer allows users to create their own privacy-enabled tokens with use cases from private stablecoins or voting tokens and, in the future, offer privacy for bridged assets from other chains.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
The Crypto Community Can Now Swap the DPR Token on LetsExchange

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LetsExchange, the crypto exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide, has listed DPR, Deeper Network’s native token. This development enables the crypto community to conveniently swap this asset for thousands of other tokens and coins.

Deeper Network, a company developing a Web 3.0 infrastructure and ecosystem, is also planning several joint marketing activities with LetsExchange. Besides, LetsExchange also offers a wide array of B2B solutions, such as referral links, API, exchange widgets, Telegram bot, etc., and the Deeper Network team is considering how they may boost the coin’s community.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted to start collaborating with Deeper Network. Listing the DPR token on our platform is the first step toward broader cooperation in the future. As with all newly listed crypto assets, we will provide extensive support to boost the popularity of the DPR token with marketing tools and our B2B solutions. LetsExchange has become the best platform for token teams to attract more investors and traders to their crypto assets.”

Deeper Network represents the world's first decentralized blockchain network for building a truly private, secure, and fair Internet. Deeper Network Inc. was founded in Silicon Valley in 2018 with the vision of leveraging blockchain technology to empower the everyday users of the Internet by building both the Web 3.0 infrastructure of the future and an accessible gateway for everyone to join the revolution.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums). The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange & MetisDAO AMA recap

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LetsExchange, a leading instant crypto-exchange service with over 3,900 coins and tokens, has launched a collaboration with MetisDAO, an innovative Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution working on solving the blockchain trilemma: decentralization, security, and scalability as simultaneous features. Within the scope of the partnership, MetisDAO and LetsExchange held an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on October 19, 2023, to reply to the questions of the MetisDAO community.

The AMA Session was held on X (formerly Twitter). Below, you will find timecodes allowing you to jump to answers you’re interested in.

07:32 About the LetsExchange launch and some events that inspired the project creators.

10:20 Why does LetsExchange allow you to swap cryptocurrencies without mandatory account registration? And what are the plans regarding anonymity?

12:10 LetsExchange’s competitors and similar projects.

13:45 Is LetsExchange a centralized or a decentralized platform?

16:00 Does LetsExchange have minimum and maximum sums for swaps?

17:28 Whether tokens can be listed on LetsExchange as an only platform or if the tokens have no liquidity to process swaps with them.

20:13 How LetsExchange ensures the safety of users’ funds.

22:30 The availability of cross-chain swaps on LetsExchange.

23:39 Fees on LetsExchange in comparison to traditional DEXes.

25:00 The number of tokens supported by LetsExchange, token listing criteria, and the plans for the future.

27:00 Where LetsExchange takes liquidity from and how the platform ensures the availability of tokens, including those with low trading volumes.

29:30 Whether LetsExchange has its own token in which gas fees are charged and what are the gas fees on LetsExchange on average.

32:15 How LetsExchange ensures that all funds the platform operates with are clean.

34:33 Is it possible to buy and sell crypto with fiat on LetsExchange?

35:55 Actions when a transaction gets stuck.

38:30 Plans for the future, new projects, and new developments that LetsExchange can share.

40:50 How LetsExchange will foster innovation and sustainability while keeping security and user experience at the forefront of its strategy.

44:20 Whether LetsExchange gives promo codes to ordinary users and how to get one.
The world’s first Shariah-compliant self-custodial wallet has integrated LetsExchange’s API for crypto exchange
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Sahal, the world’s first Shariah-compliant self-custodial DeFi wallet and a part of the MRHB ecosystem has integrated crypto exchange functionality via the LetsExchange API. This development allows users to swap cryptocurrencies directly in their wallets without visiting external sites.

Previously, in the framework cooperation between MRHB Network and LetsExchange, the exchange platform has listed the MRHB Token ($MRHB) for trading, allowing the swapping of this token for thousands of other coins and tokens. As with all listed crypto assets, LetsExchange will provide comprehensive marketing support to MRHB, including activities such as ask-me-anything (AMA) sessions, promotional codes, and more.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome cooperation with MRHB Network. We are certain that users of their crypto wallet will appreciate the multiple benefits from the crypto exchange functionality powered by our platform. The security and transparency of our service perfectly match the ethical nature of the MRHB ecosystem.”

Naquibullah Mohammed, Chief Executive Officer at MRHB Network, shared: “We are absolutely thrilled to announce our partnership with LetsExchange! Together, we're shaping the future of DeFi and web3, aiming for a seamless and secure financial experience. Excited about breaking new ground in accessibility and user experience, envisioning a future where decentralized finance is for everyone.”

MRHB Network is a safe and user-friendly platform providing interest-free DeFi, NFT, and halal crypto asset opportunities. Their vision is a complete ecosystem that offers a wide range of DeFi solutions based on Islamic principles, i.e., halal DeFi. To make this vision a reality, MRHB Network invites everyone – experts, novices, and excluded communities alike – keen on catalyzing an ethical, sustainable, and inclusive financial system to participate in MRHB.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums). The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange is Participating in the SiGMA Europe and Web Summit Events

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LetsExchange, a world-leader instant crypto exchange, is participating in two prominent events redefining the tech industry. Representatives of LetsExchange have landed in Malta to attend SiGMA Europe from November 13 to November 17. Another LetsExchange team attends the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, from November 13 to November 16.

These top conferences are the meeting point for thousands of entrepreneurs, experts, and visionaries from crypto, IT, gaming, and blockchain companies and related industries. LetsExchange delegates look forward to meeting with partners and getting to know other industry representatives that might lead to new partnerships and lasting collaboration.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “As one of the leading exchanges in the crypto space, we have the responsibility to contribute our expertise and experience to advancing the crypto market. SiGMA and Web Summit are top-notch conferences offering unique opportunities to meet and exchange ideas with like-minded professionals eager to impact the crypto and blockchain industries positively. See you all there!”

SiGMA Europe is a top-notch international conference on iGaming and related industries, welcoming 25,000 delegates, 800 sponsors and exhibitors, and 250 speakers. It is organized by the SiGMA Group, an events and media organization focused on iGaming, emerging tech, digital health, and affiliate marketing.

Web Summit is the world’s premier tech conference, gathering policymakers, heads of state, and the founders and CEOs of technology companies and fast-growing startups. Web Summit brings 70,000+ people together with the companies redefining the tech industry. The current edition of this conference features 800+ speakers, with participants from 2,600+ startups from 160+ countries.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums). The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
CoinPaprika Has Added Crypto Exchange Functionality Powered by LetsExchange

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CoinPaprika, a prominent cryptocurrency market research platform, has integrated the crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange, an industry-leading exchange platform supporting over 3,800 cryptocurrencies. This strategic partnership streamlines crypto transactions and fosters the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Within the scope of the agreement, after researching market information, CoinPaprika’s users will be able to swap, buy and sell crypto directly on the platform, using the LetsExchange’s exchange widget using Swap, Buy/Sell, and DEX modes. Such easiness of transacting cryptocurrencies will increase the usage of these digital assets and will make trading more time-efficient and convenient for hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are excited about our new partnership with CoinPaprika. This platform is one of the key players in the crypto sphere, providing valuable market information to investors and traders. We are delighted to join forces in making cryptocurrency trading more straightforward, which will benefit users and the crypto industry.”

The CoinPaprika research platform was founded in April 2018. Its mission is to provide comprehensive, reliable, transparent, and objective access to information about crypto projects from all around the world. CoinPaprika’s goal for the coming years is to exploit as many technologies as possible to give the most precise picture of what's happening in the markets. So far, two million users have already benefited from CoinPaprika’s platform.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at the best rates (particularly for considerable sums). The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange Has Listed the Metis Token

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LetsExchange, the crypto exchange platform supporting over 3,800 cryptocurrencies, has listed the Metis Token. This development will enable the crypto community to swap this crypto asset conveniently using a friendly exchange widget with thousands of other cryptocurrencies.

Additionally, the team issuing the token is currently assessing the various B2B solutions offered by LetsExchange. Shortly, they might integrate some of these solutions to provide the MetisDAO community with convenient tools for token exchange. These B2B solutions comprise exchange widgets and branded Telegram bots.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted to have started collaborating with Metis, a team committed to advancing blockchain technology worldwide. Listing their token on our platform is the first step toward further cooperation. We are certain that many of our customers will be interested in investing in this crypto asset.”

Metis aims to advance blockchain technology to accelerate the world’s transition to an open, fair, and decentralized economy. For this purpose, Metis has created a decentralization platform for anyone, from startups to enterprises, to build, run, and grow a company or community. Technically, it is an Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution powering dApps, businesses, and communities.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums). The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
Tonkeeper Wallet Integrates the LetsExchange Widget for Superior Crypto Swap Capability

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Tonkeeper, a non-custodial crypto wallet in The Open Network Blockchain ecosystem, has integrated the LetsExchange Widget. This development lets Tonkeeper users swap the Toncoin (TON) cryptocurrency for more than four thousand other coins and tokens in their wallets.

The LetsExchange widget now opens directly on the wallet interface, enabling the LetsExchange crypto-to-crypto swap functionality for the end-users of the Tonkeeper.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted to have established a partnership with Tonkeeper, one of the key elements of the TON ecosystem. We are confident that Tonkeeper users will appreciate the capabilities that LetsExchange provides for advanced users. Namely, the ability to exchange more than 4 thousand different crypto-assets.”

In addition, the LetsExchange integration will provide greater stability for the wallet in terms of exchange functionality, and Tonkeeper users will have more choice when searching for the best rates for cryptocurrency pairs.

Oleg Andreev, CEO Ton Apps: “Tonkeeper is an all-in-one wallet for digital nomads, optimized for making living on crypto safe and comfortable. Exchange currencies, pay for service and play games. Tonkeeper is a non-custodial wallet on many platforms: you will always have access to your money.”

Tonkeeper is a non-custodial crypto wallet in The Open Network Blockchain ecosystem. It can be accessed from any mobile device, allowing users to easily send, receive, or purchase Toncoin (TON). In addition, Tonkeeper can be used to buy a variety of products, including NFTs, e-sims, and gift cards into embedded browser.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps without mandatory account registration, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
CoinsDo has Integrated the LetsExchange Widget Into Its Institution-Grade MPC Wallet

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CoinsDo, a Singapore-based Wallet-as-a-Service provider to blockchain institutions, has integrated the LetsExchange widget into its institution-grade MPC wallet, CoinWallet. This development expands the options for swapping cryptocurrencies using CoinWallet without visiting external services.

LetsExchange supports over 4,000 cryptocurrencies for seamless direct swaps, including cross-chain, 60+ fiat currencies for buying and selling almost 190 crypto coins, and DEX functionality. CoinWallet users can now seamlessly enjoy these features due to the above exchange widget integration. They will have a broader range of opportunities for profitable trades and more options to search for the most competitive exchange rates in the market.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are thrilled by our partnership with CoinsDo, which allows corporations to use our exchange functionality. We are confident that CoinsDo customers will appreciate LetsExchange's capabilities for advanced users, and our partner will be able to reach its business goals with our solution.”

CoinsDo is a leading Wallet-as-a-Service provider to blockchain institutions, revolutionizing their cryptocurrency operations and asset management. This service is fortified with an advanced, automated dispatch and withdrawal system, designed to enhance the efficiency and scalability of crypto transactions. By adopting CoinsDo, corporations can rapidly expand their wallet creation capabilities for users, achieving this growth with minimal costs.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps without mandatory account registration, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
The Acala Token (ACA) Is Now Available on LetsExchange
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LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting over 4,000 cryptocurrencies, has added the Acala Token (ACA) to its list of supported assets. This way, the crypto community can most conveniently swap ACA for thousands of other tokens and coins through an easy-to-use widget.

As with all newly listed assets, LetsExchange has offered the ACA team comprehensive marketing support to increase the visibility of their utility token. Currently, both companies are working on planning the above marketing plan, which will likely include ask-me-anything (AMA) sessions, promotional codes, etc.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are glad to start cooperating with Acala, a company building the liquidity layer of Web3 finance. Listing ACA token on our exchange platform is the first step of this cooperation. Our customers will undoubtedly appreciate the possibility to exchange this asset, which expands their options for profitable trading and investment.”

Acala is building the liquidity layer for Web3 finance. It aims to provide infrastructures for HyFi (DeFi+CeFi) solutions with crypto and real-world assets. Acala offers a Universal Asset Hub that hosts multichain liquid staking token (LST) protocols (such as liquid DOT - LDOT), an AMM decentralized exchange, and an app platform that is EVM-compatible and highly customizable (based on Substrate). Acala is secured by Polkadot, and is the liquidity gateway of Polkadot parachains and L1/L2 blockchains.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps without mandatory account registration, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
LetsExchange Has Listed the HAPI Token

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LetsExchange, the instant exchange supporting over 4,000 cryptocurrencies, has listed the HAPI token for trading. Now, holders of this crypto asset can swap it seamlessly on the LetsExchange platform for thousands of other tokens and coins at competitive rates without hassle.

For its part, the HAPI team is exploring the possibility of using the B2B solutions powered by LetsExchange to enhance the trading experience of its community. LetsExchange offers several solutions to integrate crypto swap functionality into websites, apps, wallets, and other products.

As part of the HAPI Protocol integration, LetsExchange will utilize the HAPI database to enhance its security measures, effectively preventing money laundering, exploits, and hacks within its platform. This integration underscores LetsExchange's commitment to providing a secure and efficient trading environment for its users, leveraging HAPI's advanced decentralized security protocol to detect and thwart malicious activities in the blockchain space.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the listing of HAPI, the utility token of the HAPI ecosystem. This listing represents the first step toward further cooperation with the HAPI team. We are certain that many of our customers will also welcome the listing of this token, which represents an attractive investment opportunity.”

HAPI is a decentralized security protocol that detects and prevents malicious activity in the blockchain space. It utilizes external and on-chain data to provide accurate information on compromised wallets and malicious activities. HAPI can be integrated into DEXes and DeFi protocols to prevent money laundering and enhance cybersecurity.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps without mandatory account registration, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
LetsExchange integrates Toncoin (TON)
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LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting the biggest number of cryptocurrencies in the entire market, and The Open Network will jointly enhance Toncoin (TON) adoption. As a result, LetsExchange has listed the TON network’s native token, Toncoin, for trading. The crypto community can now swap Toncoin for over 4,000 other coins and tokens quickly and hassle-free at competitive rates via an easy-to-use exchange widget.

Previously, the Tonkeeper Wallet integrated the LetsExchange widget into the app.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the broader cooperation with the TON ecosystem. Listing Toncoin on our exchange platform opens more possibilities for profitable trades and investments for our customers. We are certain many of them will show interest in this promising crypto asset.”

The Open Network (TON) is a decentralized and open Internet system created by the community using technology designed by Telegram. Toncoin is TON's native cryptocurrency. Toncoin can power network operations, transactions, games, and collectibles built on TON. The TON ecosystem comprises many other apps, including Tonkeeper, a non-custodial crypto wallet.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps without mandatory account registration, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
The Crypto Community Can Now Swap Algorand (ALGO) on LetsExchange

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LetsExchange, the instant exchange supporting more than 4,000 cryptocurrencies, has started to cooperate with Algorand. The Algorand token (ALGO) is now available for trading on this platform, and the crypto community can easily and quickly exchange it for thousands of other coins and tokens via a user-friendly widget.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the start of cooperation with Algorand, one of the key players in the blockchain industry. Adding their ALGO token to our list of supported assets is a development many of our customers will appreciate. We are also sure the Algorand community will appreciate our crypto swap functionality, its user-friendliness, security, and reliability.”

Algorand is an autonomous, decentralized, blockchain-based network that supports various applications. It describes itself as the world’s most green, decentralized, scalable, and secure blockchain ecosystem. The Algorand mainnet went live in June 2019. ALGO is the native token of the Algorand blockchain and is one of the most versatile crypto assets. It is primarily used to pay for transactions but can also be used to purchase on-chain items such as NFTs, goods, and services. The ALGO token also enables holders to participate in DeFi as investors and in governance.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps without mandatory account registration, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
LetsExchange Partners With Swing.xyz for Liquidity Boost

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LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub, has partnered with Swing, the leading liquidity aggregator for decentralized applications (dApps). The partnership will enable LetsExchange to access liquidity from over 100 blockchains, bridges, and decentralized exchanges (DEXes) through Swing’s platform.

LetsExchange will be able to offer its users more options and flexibility for swapping coins, as well as faster and cheaper transactions. Swing will be able to expand its reach and exposure to new markets and audiences, as well as showcase its innovative technology and solutions.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented on the partnership: “We are very excited to partner with Swing. This partnership will allow us to make our service more stable in terms of liquidity and provide our users with even faster swaps at better prices. We believe this partnership will help us achieve our mission of making crypto exchange easy and accessible for everyone.”

“This collaboration represents a thrilling chance for Swing to highlight its flexible and dependable cross-chain aggregation capabilities. Swing is committed to facilitating smooth cross-chain transactions, offering the best price swap execution, a diverse range of assets, and accelerated token conversions, enhancing the experience for LetsExchange users.” - Viveik Vivekananthan, CEO at Swing.xyz

Swing is the unified cross-chain liquidity routing platform that connects dApps to multiple sources of liquidity from over 100 Blockchains, Bridges and DEXes. Swing’s smart routing algorithm finds the best prices and routes for any exchange, minimizing slippage. Swing also offers a range of tools for dApp developers, such as Swing Platform, Swing Widget, Swing SDK, and Bridge & Swap API.

LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub that saves users’ time and money by offering a full range of exchange services on the best terms. LetsExchange allows users to swap 4,000+ coins and tokens (including cross-chain), the biggest number of assets in the market. One can also buy and sell 200+ cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies on LetsExchange.io, use DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, earn from profitable affiliate programs, and more.

eCash Was Always Unique in Its Value Proposition – Interview With the eCash Team​

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eCash is a unique project that combines the best of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash with a novel Avalanche consensus layer. This allows eCash to offer faster, more flexible, and more secure transactions than ever before.

In an exclusive interview with LetsExchange, the eCash team outlines upcoming upgrades in their roadmap, including Avalanche pre-consensus, Chronik integrated indexer, Aliases feature, and staking rewards. They believe these enhancements will contribute to eCash's scalability, efficiency, and user experience, making it an attractive option for developers and businesses. They also share their views on the challenges and opportunities of crypto regulation, KYC, and AML.

LetsExchange: As of today, there are over 10,000 coins listed on CMC. While XEC remains in the top 100 assets, many new cryptocurrencies have shown active growth recently. How does the eCash team envision its place in this overcrowded crypto landscape?

eCash team: In general, many token projects exist, but most of them do not innovate or maintain their own infrastructure. Many of which do not have their own blockchain and are created on top of other smart chains. If we reduce the number of projects to actual blockchains, we already find ourselves with far less. And if we further compare these networks, only a few of them focus on being scalable p2p cash systems which remain fully censorship resistant and with no corporate backing and even less retain a proof-of-work consensus. From those that are left, we make the case that eCash is a superior, more robust, and innovative technology.
Especially from a technological standpoint eCash was always unique in its value proposition. It is a highly scalable blockchain, with a clearly laid out roadmap to achieve mass scale (5 million tps capacity), all while remaining a layer-1 proof-of-work blockchain. Scaling the base layer has been our mission since 2017, while many other projects went along with the common notion that proof-of-work blockchains can’t scale, trying to scale through second layers or being highly reliant on custodians. In that regard, we are already differentiating ourselves from most of the space, and you can say we have a head start in Layer1 scaling if you will.
eCash is also among the most innovative networks, as you can see by our dual consensus integration (Nakamoto + Avalanche). Another thing that makes it unique among altcoins is that it is a continuing Bitcoin-fork with its transaction history going all the way back to the 2009 genesis transaction, making it a relatively well distributed coin.
Strong arguments for eCash are that it remains trustless while it is scalable and among the fastest in terms of transaction settlement. Its miner funding policy ensures resources for development and maintenance of infrastructure without relying on corporate funding. This is an issue many projects don’t even have on their radar, leaving them often with no incentives to create or maintain infrastructure and ecosystems or to innovate.

And of course, it is simple to use with guaranteed low fees in the entire space, which is what our project is known for since 2017.
It may be hard to see on the first glance, but from a tokenomics, technology, and security standpoint, we are sure that developers and businesses working with our network will quickly see that the eCash development team has built a network with a certain quality to it.
Low fees, reliable, and instant transactions will also be practical benefits every user will recognize as such. We are also the only Bitcoin implementation that offers staking rewards based on our Avalanche integration.

LetsExchange: What does the future roadmap look like for eCash? Are there any exciting developments or milestones that users can look forward to? What new features are you planning to implement?

eCash team: The eCash roadmap stands since 2017. It is a technical roadmap and a guiding document for the entire project, focusing on making the network the most secure, most scalable, and agile network there is. You can see the entire list of items on https://e.cash/roadmap where you can see which are in planning, in development, or already live.
As for upcoming upgrades, we have quite a few in the pipeline:

  • Avalanche pre-consensus
Our Avalanche integration is certainly the biggest upgrade. Development has just prioritized working on the next milestone, Pre-Consensus. This is a fundamental item on the roadmap and a great technological achievement that will enable transaction finality within 2 seconds and make the network more agile in many ways. Please note that this implementation is not connected to the AVAX blockchain, which simply uses a similar implementation of the Avalanche protocol. Rather, we combined both technologies that BTC and AVAX are using, integrating them from scratch into eCash.

  • Chronik integrated indexer
The Chronik project integrates an indexer directly into the node software. Creating a reliable indexer is something that has been proposed for Bitcoin several times, but was never able to come to fruition. Integrating the indexer into the node will result in simpler logic and reduce its workload for an overall more efficient service. Chronik also empowers developers and services building on top of eCash. Rather than having to manage two programs, they can just run their Bitcoin ABC node and activate the indexing functions they want.

  • Aliases
The Cashtab.com app development team is doing the beta testing on the upcoming Aliases feature, which allows users to bind userhandles to their eCash addresses. This upgrade will roll out in two phases. In phase one, you can buy your ‘userhandle.xec’. And in phase two, you will be able to buy and sell these aliases in the form of eTokens, very similar to Ethereum’s namespaces.

  • Staking rewards
We also implemented staking rewards last December. Stake proofs are part of the Avalanche protocol’s Sybil resistance mechanism, which leads eCash to be the only Bitcoin implementation to offer staking rewards. If you run a well-connected Bitcoin ABC node along with a valid stake proof, you will receive about 14% APY as of yet, while keeping full control over your coins. The APY is subject to change based on how much XEC is staked. The minimal staking amount is 100 million XEC, which is quite low compared to other staking networks. You can learn more about it on avalanche.cash and our staking guide.

LetsExchange: eCash has introduced an Avalanche consensus mechanism. How does the Avalanche consensus layer work, why did you choose it over other solutions, and how does it improve the security and scalability of the eCash network?

eCash team: The Avalanche protocol is a breakthrough consensus protocol that achieves decentralized consensus efficiently and quickly in a trustless manner. Using Avalanche consensus alone comes with a downturn, namely the inability for new nodes to bootstrap and sync to the network in a trustless way. This is where eCash leverages its already existing proof-of-work consensus to retain the ability for nodes to join the network trustlessly. eCash is the only blockchain that has integrated Avalanche consensus in this complementary combination, leveraging the benefits of both Nakamoto and Avalanche consensus and negating their weaknesses.
In addition to rapid consensus, Avalanche also offers advantages like streamlining future upgrades without requiring hard forks and, most excitingly, the ability to extend the network through subnets. For example, eCash plans to integrate an EVM subnet for interoperability with other smart chains. Avalanche also introduces staking, providing unique benefits compared to all other Bitcoin implementations.
Integrating this revolutionary protocol was a logical choice due to its speed, security, and agility, aligning with our goal of achieving secure, instant, and feasible transactions on an extensible network at mankind scale.

LetsExchange: How do you measure the success and adoption of eCash? What strategies do you employ to broaden your user base? What are the key metrics and indicators that you use?

eCash team: At eCash, we are focused on technology development for the long term. Currently, eCash is mainly used for speculation, with a few research projects and a regional payment service in Saipan. While the network is live and has high capacity, we are still in early development stages. Our priority is to improve the technology to be reliable, fast, and feasible for all users. We have seen that the success of other networks like BTC and ETH was limited by their low capacity.
We also understand that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Merchant adoption and ambassadors will be a priority in later stages. That being said, we already have a passionate community, especially in the global south, which benefits from our p2p cash network. In Nigeria, merchants have already adopted eCash and are promoting it on their own initiative. Our social metrics include activity and engagement in chat groups and social media, self-initiated projects, staking nodes, staked XEC, and, of course, the exchange rate of our coin.

LetsExchange: Cryptocurrencies are often targeted for fraudulent activities. In light of recent security breaches in the crypto space, what measures has eCash implemented to ensure the safety and integrity of its network?

eCash team: The eCash network is fundamentally a Bitcoin network. Its Nakamoto protocol is powerful in its simplicity, which is why you do not see the usual breaches on Bitcoin or eCash.
On top of that, the Avalanche integration actually makes eCash’s security model the most complete one of all other Bitcoin networks. So, while our network and node count is still small, we are already multiple times more secure than BTC and protected against 51% attacks. The eCash team is also known for its sophisticated devops, never missing their deadline on bi-weekly incremental updates and bi-yearly hard-fork upgrades. The relatively small developer team is churning out quality code and is ranked somewhere within the top 10 development teams in terms of commits on GitHub. This activity gives you a good overview to compare the overall health of a coin on a technological basis or the quality of the code. You would be surprised to see how little development or innovation actually exists on some projects despite them being well-established.
Security breaches, “pausing” of networks, missing records, and hacks are symptoms of smart chains, corporate-controlled chains, and generally more complex technologies. One key aspect of eCash is that it retains its simplicity and robustness. Usually, this comes with a less agile blockchain, but our engineers cleverly worked around this with our hybrid Nakamoto and Avalanche consensus. As you can see, everything comes back to this technological achievement that lets things just fall into place neatly. The Avalanche integration is also completely optional, which was an engineering decision driven by similar security risk mitigation concerns.

LetsExchange: Given the European Union's introduction of the MiCA framework, how is eCash preparing to align with these regulations? What impact do you foresee MiCA having on eCash and the broader crypto market?

eCash team: Our base protocol and infrastructure is completely trustless, and the ecosystem is generally built with regulations in mind. This does not mean that we go out of our way to comply, but rather that our network is built in a way to make it exempt from compliance laws.
In general, as a Bitcoin-Fork, all rulings that are made for BTC will at least in all likelihood be applicable to the eCash network as well. We are not a corporate-funded token, we did not have an ICO, and everything we implement is decentralized, permissionless, and non-custodial at its core, including our staking rewards feature.
Having read through the MiCA laws, nothing changes for us significantly, as these regulations are explicitly aimed only at custodial service providers and issuers of security tokens, which does not apply to us or the eCash network.

LetsExchange: KYC and AML are pivotal in legitimizing cryptocurrency operations. Can you discuss eCash's approach to implementing these procedures while balancing user privacy and regulatory compliance?

eCash team: KYC and AML are part of regulations for custodians and financial services. There will be no KYC at the protocol level for either users or node operators, as eCash is a fully permissionless and trustless network. Nodes can connect to the network in a peer-2-peer fashion, and users can do too. Since all participants are self-custodying their keys, there is no need for any of these procedures.
It is a strategic decision to have eventual privacy features remain optional and not built on the protocol level, which right now is becoming a problem for other privacy coins to stay listed on exchanges.
For example, we have a Cashfusion coin-mixing protocol, which is a coinjoin implementation, but it is fully non-custodial for the specific reason of not breaking with compliance. The trustless nature of the infrastructure and ecosystem that we build makes them generally exempt from regulatory laws.
This allows exchanges to list eCash without the fear of compliance issues, as the base layer is a transparent ledger, just like Bitcoin.

LetsExchange: A question to the Bitcoin ABC Team. How has your experience as the creators of Bitcoin Cash influenced the development strategies and vision for eCash? What key lessons from the development and growth of BCH are being applied to enhance eCash's trajectory?

eCash team: Our experience with Bitcoin Cash imparted several valuable lessons on what’s needed to make a cryptocurrency successful and some pitfalls to avoid.
The problem that led to the formation of eCash was the lack of sustainable development funding within the Bitcoin Cash community. Over the years, several proposals were made, but this never led to a sensible and sustainable solution to the developer funding problem. Lavish sums were spent on some areas within the ecosystem while core infrastructure languished. Bitcoin ABC had to spend considerable time and energy seeking resources, which distracted from the core function of producing software.
Another related issue is the need to maintain focus on the core mission, in this case, creating peer-to-peer electronic cash. In BCH, money and attention flowed around to various hot topics (like smart contract, tokens, etc.), while progress on the core roadmap was slow. This continues to this day, as BCH, which is still quite good and functional as electronic cash, hasn’t really made any advances on that front since Bitcoin ABC shifted to work on eCash. Meanwhile, the eCash roadmap continues to progress towards instant transactions with Avalanche pre-consensus, the addition of an indexer into the node, and various other improvements.
Overall, eCash is now in a very good position, with continuous and sustainable progress towards the key mission of creating a freedom-promoting electronic cash system that can provide an alternative to Central Bank Digital Currencies.

LetsExchange: In your opinion, did Bitcoin developers anticipate such a future with institutional investments in cryptocurrencies, thousands of projects solely focused on “Number Go Up”, ETFs, and more?

eCash team: While it’s impossible to know for sure the motivations of the Bitcoin developers, it does seem like a shift occurred starting around 2015 when Bitcoin blocks started to become full, and fees became high. Prior to this, Bitcoin had been promoted as a good way to make payments online, and a flurry of companies such as NewEgg, Steam, and Microsoft, plus many smaller companies such as VPNs and Internet service providers, began accepting Bitcoin payments.

However, once blocks became full, the payment experience became slow, expensive and unreliable. The “small block” movement took hold in Bitcoin, and it became clear that the block size wouldn’t be increased. This meant that the narrative around using Bitcoin for payments didn’t make sense anymore. As a result, it became popular to promote Bitcoin as “Digital Gold”. As this narrative took hold, it became commonplace to view Bitcoin as more of a reserve asset rather than a payment medium. In this context, it’s not surprising that the focus shifted to using Bitcoin as an asset backing various financial products and as an investment vehicle.
LetsExchange Has Added the FIO Token to Its List of Supported Cryptocurrencies
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LetsExchange, the instant exchange supporting over 4,000 cryptocurrencies, has started collaborating with FIO Protocol, a decentralized, open-source usability solution helping wallets hide the complexity of blockchain transactions across all blockchains. As a result, the FIO Token (FIO) is now available for trading on LetsExchange and LetsExchange partners’ platforms. The crypto community can swap this asset for thousands of other coins and tokens through an easy-to-use widget at competitive rates on LetsExchange.io in numerous wallets, dApps, and web services with integrated LetsExchange widgets or APIs.

LetsExchange and FIO Protocol are also planning several co-marketing activities to increase the visibility of the FIO Token. These activities include ask-me-anything (AMA) sessions, promotional codes, etc. LetsExchange provides marketing support to all newly listed cryptocurrencies to boost their popularity and attract investors.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the cooperation with FIO Protocol, a solution that greatly eases cryptocurrency transactions by replacing complex wallet addresses with human-readable formats. We are certain that listing the FIO Token on our platform will set the foundation for more comprehensive cooperation in the future. Many of our customers will surely be interested in this token as an investment opportunity.”
Wayne Marcel, Head of Growth at FIO Protocol stated: “'With our goal to make using cryptocurrency easy and fuel adoption with the FIO Protocol, a vital part of that is our FIO token, for both using the protocol features and participating in governance. Our partnership with LetsExchange is exciting because it opens up the ability for many people across the world to acquire the token with ease and simplicity.”

FIO Protocol is a decentralized, open-source usability solution that enables easier cryptocurrency transactions on all blockchains by replacing complex wallet addresses with a secure, customizable, censorship-resistant, and human-readable Handle, which replaces a user’s all public wallet addresses on all blockchains. It’s also an NFT that is entirely in the user’s control and allows using many of the features of the FIO Protocol. The FIO Token (FIO) is a utility token that powers the FIO Protocol and its ecosystem. It is used to pay all on-chain fees, including registration fees for FIO Handles and domains. Also, it incentivizes ecosystem participants to act in the best interest of the Protocol.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
LetsExchange enhances XDB CHAIN coin (XDB) accessibility and provides exchange solutions for the ecosystem wallet
XDB CHAIN, a protocol layer blockchain empowering brands and consumers of tomorrow, and LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub, agreed to enhance XDB CHAIN accessibility and empower the XDB CHAIN ecosystem wallet with the LetsExchange crypto swap functionality.

As a result, XDB CHAIN users can now seamlessly swap 4,500 cryptocurrencies directly with XDB coin on LetsExchange.io and in LetsExchange partners’ wallets and widgets.

Additionally, XDB CHAIN is adding to its product roadmap the integration of the crypto swap functionality into the ecosystem wallet. After finishing this process, XDB wallet users will be able to swap all other supported assets with XDB coins directly in the app.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the cooperation with XDB CHAIN, a platform supporting the fast and affordable transfer of consumer digital assets such as branded coins. We are positive that XDB CHAIN wallet users will appreciate the efficiency and simplicity of our crypto swap functionality. At the same time, we are sure many of our customers will welcome the XDB listing, which represents another great opportunity to on-ramp into this project.”

XDB CHAIN (XDB) is a protocol layer blockchain “empowering brands and consumers of tomorrow”. The platform was created to support the fast and affordable transfer of consumer digital assets such as branded tokens (BCO), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), stablecoins and more. XDB CHAIN introduces a deflationary system called buyback and burn (BBB) supported by the tokenomics of branded tokens (BCO Focused on security, privacy, and global accessibility by brands and consumers, it is the natural choice for those seeking cutting-edge blockchain solutions aligned with Web3 values.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
Fasttoken (FTN) Is Now Available for Trading on LetsExchange

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LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub listing over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, has added Fasttoken (FTN) to its list of supported crypto assets. Now, the crypto community can swap FTN for thousands of other tokens and coins through a user-friendly widget at competitive rates. In addition, FTN will be available to users of LetsExchange partners who use ready-made crypto exchange solutions.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted with the listing of FTN on our platform. Making FTN available on LetsExchange opens up a new investment opportunity for our customers and increases this coins’s accessibility for the crypto community worldwide.”

LetsExchange offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to help coin teams boost the visibility of their crypto asset. Additionally, a dedicated team provides marketing support to any newly listed coin on LetsExchange, contributing to the asset’s adoption and success in the crypto market.

Fasttokken (FTN) is the native cryptocurrency of Bahamut, a layer 1, public, EVM-based blockchain solution with a novelty consensus called Proof of Stake and Activity (PoSA). It serves as the gas unit for Bahamut, enabling staking, block creation, validation mechanisms, and cross-chain operations. FTN is a utility coin used on multiple online websites, including gaming, iGaming, and e-commerce. It is also integrated with 10+ payment providers, including MoonPay, Alchemy Pay, and Simplex by Nuvei.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
Users Can Now Swap the Radix (XRD) on LetsExchange

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The crypto community can now swap Radix (XRD) on LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies. The listing of this crypto asset is part of a partnership between LetsExchange and Radix, a Layer-1 smart contract platform built to create a Web3 future for everyone.

As LetsExchange is committed to contributing to fostering the visibility and accessibility of all newly listed coins and tokens, the platform and the Radix team are currently planning a co-marketing campaign. The campaign will include Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) sessions, promo codes for the Radix community, quests, and more.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the listing of XRD on our platform, which expands the investment and trading opportunities for our customers. Our new partner, Radix, has brought several innovations to the blockchain industry, empowering everyone to navigate the Web3 landscape easily. We look forward to joining forces to benefit the crypto community worldwide.”

Radix is a Layer-1 smart contract platform that provides radically better user and developer experiences for everyone to use Web3 and DeFi confidently. Radix has built a highly optimized stack of custom technologies that tightly integrates wallet, programming language, execution environment, and consensus algorithm. The Radix Wallet allows using Web3 and DeFi with human-readable transactions, transaction guarantees, native assets, and more. Radix's Scrypto programming language empowers the building of secure, production-ready dApps in a shorter development time. XRD is the native token of the Radix Public Network.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
Step App Has Integrated Crypto Swap Functionality Powered by LetsExchange

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Step App, a blockchain-based ecosystem that rewards users for working out, has integrated crypto swap functionality powered by LetsExchange into its Step Wallet. This way, users can most conveniently swap FITFI, the Step App governance token used to fuel the ecosystem’s fees, and user rewards in KCAL tokens for thousands of other cryptocurrencies supported by LetsExchange.

Furthermore, listing both tokens has made them available for easy and secure exchange by users from all over the world on the LetsExchange.io website and LetsExchange partners’ services and apps. This means that the Step App ecosystem can receive significant interest from the entire cryptocurrency community.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted with our new partnership with Step App. Our crypto functionality will significantly enhance the trading experience of Step App users.”

Pauline Shangett, Chief Growth Officer at Step App, commented, “We have been looking for a perfect service to provide our user base and community with secure, fast, and convenient swaps for FITFI and KCAL for ages. LetsExchange ticks all the boxes for us – we have already seen excellent feedback from our community. Excited to see what the future brings!”

Step App is a project based on the Step protocol for Fitness Finance (FitFi), where users complete fitness quests and player-versus-player (PvP) challenges. Through Step App, users can earn crypto rewards by walking, running, competing with friends/app users, chatting, and exploring the metaverse or the real world. This ecosystem utilizes two tokens: FITFI as a governance token and KCAL for rewards and to fuel the ecosystem’s economy. Step Wallet, the ecosystem’s crypto wallet, allows users to easily store, buy, sell, or transfer their FITFI and KCAL.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.


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