
Oct 16, 2018
<<<PTCShare>>> Great Business Model
My Payment Proof | August 05, 2019

My sincerest appreciation and gratitude to everyone for your support and participation.
Have a nice day.
PTCShare Update | August 11, 2019
==>Made a number of big changes to the menu of PTCshare to improve user retention and simplicity;
==>Implemented “activation email” follow up – where if a user doesn't click on activation links it is resent to them in a day, with another 2 emails to follow that one up with a slightly different subject and message;
==>Added a separate payment proof page;
==>Reworked all wagering competition lists to show all of the prizes (even if there is noone eligible for them yet);
==>They fixed various issues which occurred with our offerwalls and payment processors.
PTCshare now has 3 follow up emails whenever someone signs up, to increase user retention. These emails contain information about the system, BAP, where to go for help, link them to Facebook etc.
They will soon have 3 emails for inactivity on PTCshare as well. Meaning that they get a number of reminders after 1,3 and 7 days of inactivity to keep users engaged and actively earning.

More to come:
==>Preparing live announcements
This is a new feature that will help deliver news faster and to everyone who is active.
==>Adding offerwall reversals to deduct abusers' balances + auto ban them.
==>Adding Shootout Champs.
Thank you.
- ID ref: piiggggg
- số tk PM: U19806796
- Số tiền dep: $11 (27/06), $3 (29/06), $6 (01/07), $3 + $1 (31/07), $2 (02/08) , $4 (06/08), $1(07/08), $6 (09/08)

bác check rcb em phát !

lần trước đã RB cho bạn tổng Ad purchases 24$ bạn mua thêm hiện tại Ad purchases là 43$ số tiền RB lần này là 1.02$ tương ứng với 19$ thôi nhé
bạn báo tới 37$ là sai nhé ...yêu cầu báo RB đúng lần sau
lần trước đã RB cho bạn tổng Ad purchases 24$ bạn mua thêm hiện tại Ad purchases là 43$ số tiền RB lần này là 1.02$ tương ứng với 19$ thôi nhé
bạn báo tới 37$ là sai nhé ...yêu cầu báo RB đúng lần sau
sry bác, e quên chưa báo mấy lần tái đầu tư :D
<<<PTCShare>>> 100% real, genuine and legal platform to earn money.
My Payment Proof | August 16, 2019 ;)

My sincerest appreciation and gratitude to everyone for your support and participation.
Have a nice day.
PTCShare Update August 19, 2019 ;)
PTCShare is down for the moment. They are tweaking and optimizing some server settings. Don't worry, it won't last too long.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Thank you.


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